Create Nodes create-nodes

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

Overlay the comment system with a custom version by copying the minimal number of files necessary from /libs into /apps and modifying them in /apps.

The contents of the /libs folder are never edited because any re-install or upgrade may delete or replace the /libs folder while the contents of the /apps folder is left untouched.

Using CRXDE Lite on an author instance, begin by creating a path in the /apps folder which is identical to the path to the overlaid components in the /libs folder.

The path being duplicated is

  • /libs/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment

Some nodes in the path are folders and some are components.

  1. Browse to http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp

  2. Create /apps/social (if it does not already exist)

    • Select /apps node
    • Create > Folder …
      • Enter Name: social
  3. Select social node

    • Create > Folder…
      • Enter Name: commons
  4. Select commons node

    • Create > Folder…
      • Enter Name: components
  5. Select components node

    • Create > Folder….
      • Enter Name: hbs
  6. Select hbs node

    • Create > Create Component…

      • Enter Label: comments
      • Enter Title: Comments
      • Enter Description: List of comments without showing avatars
      • Super Type: social/commons/components/comments
      • Enter Group: Communities
      • Click Next until OK
  7. Select comments node

    • Create > Create Component…

      • Enter Label: comment
      • Enter Title: Comment
      • Enter Description: A comment instance without avatars
      • Super Type: social/commons/components/comments/comment
      • Enter Group: .hidden
      • Click Next until OK
    • Select Save All

  8. Delete the default comments.jsp

    • Select node /apps/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comments.jsp
    • Select Delete
  9. Delete the default comment.jsp

    • select node /apps/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment/comment.jsp
    • Select Delete
    • Select Save All
In order to preserve the inheritance chain, the Super Type (property sling:resourceSuperType) of the overlay components are set to the same value as the Super Type of the components being overlaid, in this case
  • social/commons/components/comments
  • social/commons/components/comments/comment

The overlay’s own Type(property sling:resourceType) must be a relative self-reference so that any content not found in /apps is then looked for in /libs.

  • Name: sling:resourceType
  • Type: String
  • Value: social/commons/components/hbs/comments
  1. Select the green [+] Add

    • Name: sling:resourceType
    • Type: String
    • Value: social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment
  2. Select the green [+] Add

    • Select Save All

