Alter the Appearance alter-the-appearance

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

Modify the Script modify-the-script

The comment.hbs script is responsible for creating the overall HTML for each comment.

To not display the avatar next to each posted comment:

  1. Copy comment.hbsfrom libsto apps

    1. Select /libs/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment/comment.hbs
    2. Select Copy
    3. Select /apps/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment
    4. Select Paste
  2. Open the overlaid comment.hbs

    • Double-click on node comment.hbsin /apps/social/commons/components/hbs/comments/comment folder
  3. Find the following lines and either delete or comment them out:

    code language-xml
    <aside class="scf-comment-author">
            <img class="scf-comment-avatar {{#if topLevel}}withTopLevel{{/if}}" src="{{author.avatarUrl}}"></img>

Either delete the lines, or surround them with ‘<!–’ and ‘–>’ to comment them out. Also, the characters ‘xxx’ are being added as a visual indicator of where the avatar would have been.

<!-- do not display avatar with comment
    <aside class="scf-comment-author">
        <img class="scf-comment-avatar {{#if topLevel}}withTopLevel{{/if}}" src="{{author.avatarUrl}}"></img>

Replicate the Overlay replicate-the-overlay

Push the overlaid comments component to the publish instance using the Replication Tool.

A more robust form of replication would be to create a package in Package Manager and activate it. A package can be exported and archived.

From the global navigation, select Tools > Deployment > Replication and then Activate Tree.

For the Start Path enter /apps/social/commons and select Activate.


View Results view-results

If you login to the publish instance as an administrator, e.g., http://localhost:4503/crx/de as admin/admin, you can verify the overlaid components are there.

If you logout and re-login as and refresh the page, you will observe that the posted comment no longer displays with an avatar, instead a simple ‘xxx’ is displayed.

