Translating User Generated Content
- Topics:
- Communities
- Admin
The translation feature for AEM Communities extends the concept of translating page content to the user generated content (UGC) posted to community sites using social component framework (SCF) components.
The translation of UGC enables site visitors and members to experience a global community by removing language barriers.
As an example, suppose,
- A member from France posts a recipe in French to the community forum of a multinational cooking website
- Another member from Japan uses the translation feature to trigger the translation of the recipe from French into Japanese
- After reading the recipe in Japanese, the member from Japan then posts a comment in Japanese
- The member from France uses the translation feature to translate the Japanese comment into French
- Global communication!
This seciton of the documentation specifically discusses how the translation service works with UGC while assuming an understanding of how to connect AEM to a translation service provider and integrate that service into a website by configuring a translation integration framework.
When a translation service provider is associated with the site, each language copy of the site maintains its own threads of UGC posted through SCF components such as comments.
When a translation integration framework is configured in addition to the translation service provider, it is possible for each language copy of the site to share a single thread of UGC, thus providing global communication across language copies. Instead of a discussion thread segregated by language, the configured global shared store enables the entire thread to be visible regardless from which language copy it is being viewed. Further, multiple translation integration configurations can be configured specifying different global shared stores for a logical grouping of global participants, such as by regions.
The Default Translation Service
AEM Communities includes a trial license for a default translation service enabled for several languages.
When creating a community site, the default translation service is enabled when Allow Machine Translation
is checked from the TRANSLATION sub-panel.
Global Translation of UGC
When a website has multiple language copies, the default translation service does not recognize that UGC entered on one site may be related to UGC entered on another, as when the UGC is, essentially, generated by the same component (the language copy of the page containing the component).
It is similar to groups of people discussing a topic unaware of comments being made in groups other than their own, as compared to eveyrone in one large group participating in one conversation.
If “one group conversation” is desired, it is possible to enable global translation across a website with multiple language copies, such that the entire thread is visible regardless from which language copy it is being viewed.
For example, if a forum was established on the base site, language copies created, and global translation was enabled, then a topic posted to the forum made in one language copy would appear in all language copies. The same would be true for any replies, regardless of from which language copy the reply was entered. The result would be that the topic and its entire thread of replies would be visible regardless of from which language copy the topic is being viewed.
Translation Integration Configuration
To create a new Translation Integration, which integrates a Translation Service connector with the web site on the author instance:
- Sign in as an administrator
- From the main menu
- Select Tools
- Select Operations
- Select Cloud
- Select Cloud Services
- Scroll down to Translation Integration
- Select Show Configurations
- Select
icon next to Available Configurations to create a new configuration
Create Configuration Dialog
Parent Configuration
(Required) Typically leave as default. Default is/etc/cloudservices/translation
. -
(Required) Enter a display title of your choosing. No default value. -
(Optional) Enter a name for the configuration. Default is a node name based on the Title. -
Select Create
Translation Config Dialog
For detailed instructions visit Creating a Translation Integration Configuration
Sites tab: can leave as defaults
Communities tab:
Translation Provider
Select the translation provider from the drop down list. Default ismicrosoft
, the trial service. -
Content Category
Select a category that describes the content being translated. Default isGeneral.
Choose A Locale…
(Optional) By selecting a locale for storing UGC, posts from all language copies will appear in one global conversation. By convention, choose the locale for the base language for the website. ChoosingNo Common Store
will disable global translation. By default, global translation is disabled.
Assets tab: can leave as defaults
Select OK
The new translation integration cloud service will need to be activated to the publish environment. When associated with a web site, if not yet activated, the activation workflow will prompt to publish this cloud service configuration when the page with which it is associated is published.
Managing Translation Settings
User Preference
User Profile
All Communities Sites provide a user profile that signed in members can edit to identify themselves to the community and to set their preferences.
One such setting is whether or not to always display community content in their preferred language. By default, the setting is not set and will default to the system setting. The user can change the setting to either On or Off, thereby overriding the system setting.
When pages are automatically translated into the user’s preferred language, the UI for showing the original text and improving the translation are still made available.
Community Site Setting
When a Community Site is created, the translation option can be enabled and configured. The translation setting is in effect for content anonymous site visitors may view, but is overridden by the user’s profile setting.