Manually publishing to Dynamic Media Classic from Assets
You can publish digital assets to Dynamic Media Classic either from the Assets console in the classic UI or directly from the asset.
Publishing from the Assets console
To publish to Dynamic Media Classic from the Assets console if the assets are in a Dynamic Media Classic target folder:
In the AEM classic UI, click Digital Assets to access the digital asset manager.
Select the asset (or assets) or folder from within the target folder you want to publish to Dynamic Media Classic and right-click and select Publish to Dynamic Media Classic. Alternatively, you can select Publish to Dynamic Media Classic from the Tools menu.
Go to Dynamic Media Classic and confirm that the assets are available.
If the assets are not in a Dynamic Media Classic synchronized folder, Publish to Dynamic Media Classic in both menus is visible but disabled.
Publishing from an asset
You can manually publish an asset as long as that asset is located inside the synchronized Dynamic Media Classic folder.
To publish to Dynamic Media Classic directly from a digital asset:
In AEM, click Digital Assets to access the digital asset manager.
Double-click to open an asset.
In the asset details pane, select Publish to Dynamic Media Classic.
The link changes to Publishing … and then Published. Go to Dynamic Media Classic and confirm that the asset is available.
If the asset does not publish properly to Dynamic Media Classic, the link changes to Publishing Failed. If the asset has already been published to Dynamic Media Classic, the link reads Re-Publish to Dynamic Media Classic. Republishing lets you make changes to an asset in AEM and re-publish them.
Publishing assets from outside the CQ target folder
Adobe recommends that you publish assets to Dynamic Media Classic only from assets within the Dynamic Media Classic target folder. However, if you need to upload assets from a folder outside of the target folder, you can still do that by uploading them to an ad-hoc folder on Dynamic Media Classic.
You do this by configuring the Cloud configuration for the page where the asset will appear. You then add a Dynamic Media Classic component to the page and drag and drop an asset on the component. After the page properties are set for that page, a Publish to Dynamic Media Classic link appears that when selected triggers uploading to Dynamic Media Classic.
To publish assets that reside outside the CQ target folder:
In AEM in the classic UI, click Websites and navigate to the web page that you want to add a digital asset to that is not yet published to Dynamic Media Classic. (Normal page inheritance rules apply.)
In the sidekick, click the Page icon, then click Page Properties.
Click Cloud Services > Add services > Dynamic Media Classic (Scene7).
In the Adobe Dynamic Media Classic drop-down list, select the desired configuration, then click OK.
On the web page, add a Dynamic Media Classic (Scene7) component to the desired location on the page.
From the content finder, drag a digital asset to the component. You see a link to Check Dynamic Media Classic Publication Status.
If the digital asset is in the CQ target folder, then no link to Check Dynamic Media Classic Publication Status appears. The assets is simply placed in the component. -
Click Check Dynamic Media Classic Publication Status. If the asset is not published, AEM publishes the asset to Dynamic Media Classic. After it is uploaded, the asset is located in the ad-hoc folder. By default, the ad-hoc folder is located in the
. You can configure this, if needed.NOTE
If the asset is not in a Dynamic Media Classic synchronized folder and there is no Dynamic Media Classic cloud configuration associated to the current page, the upload will fail.
Dynamic Media Classic (Scene7) components
The following Dynamic Media Classic components are available in AEM:
- Zoom
- Flyout (Zoom)
- Image Template
- Image
- Video
After they are made available in Design mode, you can add the components to your page like any other AEM component. Assets that have not yet been published to Dynamic Media Classic are published to Dynamic Media Classic if in a synchronized folder or on a page or with a Dynamic Media Classic cloud configuration.
Flash viewers end-of-life notice
Effective January 31, 2017, Adobe Dynamic Media Classic officially ended support for the Flash viewer platform.
Adding a Dynamic Media Classic component to a page
Adding a Dynamic Media Classic component to a page is the same as adding a component to any page. Dynamic Media Classic components are described in detail in the following sections.
To add a Dynamic Media Classic component/viewer to a page in the classic UI:
In AEM, open the page where you want to add the Dynamic Media Classic component.
If no Dynamic Media Classic components are available, click the ruler in the sidekick to enter Design mode, click Edit parsys, and select all the Dynamic Media Classic components to make them available.
Return to Edit mode by clicking the pencil in the sidekick.
Drag a component from the Dynamic Media Classic group in the sidekick onto the page in the desired location.
Click Edit to open the component.
Edit the component as necessary and click OK to save changes.
Adding interactive viewing experiences to a responsive website
Responsive design for your assets means that your assets adapts depending on where it is displayed. With responsive design, the same assets are effectively displayed on multiple devices.
To add an interactive viewing experience to a responsive site in the classic UI:
Log in to AEM, and ensure that you have configured Adobe Dynamic Media Classic Cloud Services and that Dynamic Media Classic components are available.
If Dynamic Media Classic WCM components are not available, be sure to enable them by way of the **Design mode. -
In a website with the Dynamic Media Classic components enabled, drag an Image viewer to the page.
Edit the component and adjust the breakpoints in the Dynamic Media Classic Settings tab.
Confirm that the viewers are responsively resizing and that all interactions are optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile.
Settings common to all Dynamic Media Classic components
Although configuration options vary, the following are common to all Dynamic Media Classic components:
- File Reference - Browse to a file that you want to reference. File reference shows the asset URL and not necessarily the full Dynamic Media Classic URL including the URL commands and parameters. You cannot add Dynamic Media Classic URL commands and parameters in this field. They have to be added through the corresponding functionality in the component.
- Width - Lets you set the width.
- Height - Lets you set the height.
You set these configuration options by double-clicking a Dynamic Media Classic component, for example, when you open a Zoom component:
The HTML5 Zoom component displays a larger image when you press the + button.
The asset has zoom tools at the bottom. Click + to enlarge. Click - to reduce. Clicking x or the reset zoom arrow brings the image back to the original size it was imported as. Click the diagonal arrows to make it full screen. Click Edit to configure the component. With this component, you can configure settings common to all Dynamic Media Classic components.
In the HTML5 Flyout component, the asset is shown as split screen; left the asset in the specified size; right the zoom portion is displayed. Click Edit to configure the component. With this component, you can configure settings common to all Dynamic Media Classic components.
The Dynamic Media Classic Image component lets you add Dynamic Media Classic functionality to your images, such as Dynamic Media Classic modifiers, image or viewer presets, and sharpening. The Dynamic Media Classic image component is similar to other image components in AEM with special Dynamic Media Classic functionality. In this example, the image has the Dynamic Media Classic URL modifier, &op_invert=1
Title, Alt Text - In the Advanced tab, add a title to the image and alt text for those users who have graphics turned off.
URL, Open in - You can set an asset from to open a link. Set the URL and Open in to indicate whether you want it to open in the same window or a new window.
Viewer preset - Select an existing viewer preset from the drop-down menu. If the viewer preset you are looking for is not visible, you may need to make it visible. See Managing Viewer Presets. You cannot select a viewer preset if you are using an image preset and vice versa.
Dynamic Media Classic Configuration - Select the Dynamic Media Classic configuration you want to use to fetch active image presets from the Scene7 Publishing System.
Image preset - Select an existing image preset from the drop-down menu. If the image preset you are looking for is not visible, you may need to make it visible. See Managing Image Presets. You cannot select a viewer preset if you are using an image preset and vice versa.
Output Format - Select the output format of the image, for example jpeg. Depending on the output format you select, you may have additional configuration options. See Managing Image Presets.
Sharpening - Select how you want to sharpen the image. Sharpening is explained in detail in Adobe Dynamic Media Classic Image Quality and Sharpening Best Practices.
URL Modifiers - You can change image effects by supplying additional Dynamic Media Classic image commands. These are described in Managing Image Presets and the Command reference.
Breakpoints - If your website is responsive, you want to adjust the breakpoints. Breakpoints must be separated by commas ,
Image Template
Dynamic Media Classic Image Templates are layered Photoshop content that was imported to Dynamic Media Classic, where content and properties were parameterized for variability. The Image template component lets ;you import images and change the text dynamically in AEM. In addition, you can configure the Image template component to use values from client context, so that each user experiences the image in a personalized way.
Click Edit to configure the component. You can configure settings common to all Dynamic Media Classic components as well as other settings described in this section.
File Reference, Width, Height - See settings common to all Dynamic Media Classic components.
Title, Alt Text In the Dynamic Media Classic Image Template tab, add a title to the image and alt text for those users who have graphics turned off.
URL, Open in You can set an asset from to open a link. Set the URL and in Open in indicate whether you want it to open in the same window or a new window.
Parameter Panel When importing an image, the parameters are pre-populated with information from the image. If there is no content that can be dynamically changed, this window is empty.
Changing text dynamically
To change the text dynamically, enter new text in the fields and click OK. In this example, the Price is now $50 and shipping is 99 cents.
The text in the image changes. You can reset the text back to the original value by clicking Reset next to the field.
Changing text to reflect the value of a client context value
To link a field to a client context value, click Select to open the client-context menu, select the client context, and click OK. In this example, the name changes based on linking the Name with the formatted name in the profile.
The text reflects the name of the currently logged in user. You can reset the text back to the original value by clicking Reset next to the field.
Making the Dynamic Media Classic image template a link
To make the Dynamic Media Classic image template a link:
On the page with the Dynamic Media Classic image template component, click Edit.
In the URL field, enter the URL that users go to when the image is clicked. In the Open in field, select whether you want the target to open (a new window or same window).
Click OK.
Video component
The Dynamic Media Classic Video component (available from the Dynamic Media Classic section of the sidekick) uses device and bandwidth detection to serve the right video to each screen. This component is an HTML5 video player; it is a single viewer that can be used cross channel.
It can be used for adaptive video sets, a single MP4 video, or a single F4V video.
See Video for more information on how videos work with Dynamic Media Classic integration. In addition, see how the Dynamic Media Classic video component compares to the foundation video component.
Known limitations for the video component
Adobe DAM and WCM shows if a master video is uploaded. They do not show these proxy assets:
- Dynamic Media Classic encoded renditions
- Dynamic Media Classic adaptive video sets
When using an adaptive video set with the Dynamic Media Classic video component, you must resize the component to fit the dimensions of the video.
Dynamic Media Classic content browser
The Dynamic Media Classic content browser lets you view content from Dynamic Media Classic directly in AEM. To access the content browser, in the Content Finder, select Dynamic Media Classic in the touch-optimized user interface or the S7 icon in the classic user interface. Functionality is identical between both user interfaces.
If you have multiple configurations, AEM by default displays the default configuration. You can select different configurations directly in the Dynamic Media Classic content browser in the drop-down menu.
Assets located in the ad-hoc folder do not appear in the Dynamic Media Classic content browser.
When Secure Preview is enabled, both published and unpublished assets on Dynamic Media Classic do appear in the Dynamic Media Classic content browser.
If you do not see Dynamic Media Classic or the S7 icon as an option in the content browser, you need to configure Dynamic Media Classic to work with AEM.
For video, the Dynamic Media Classic content browser supports:
Adaptive Video Sets: container of all video renditions needed for seamless playback across multiple screens
Single MP4 video
Single F4V video
Browsing content in the classic UI
Browse content in Dynamic Media Classic by clicking the S7 tab.
You can change the configuration you are accessing by selecting the configuration. The folders change depending on which configuration you select.
As with the content finder for Assets, you can search for assets and filter results. However, unlike the Assets finder, when entering a keyword in the S7 tab, the file name starts with the string that you entered, rather than containing the keyword in the file name.
By default, assets are displayed by file name. You can also filter results by asset type.
- Adaptive Video Sets: container of all video renditions needed for seamless playback across multiple screens
- Single MP4 video
- Single F4V video
Searching for Dynamic Media Classic assets with the content browser
Searching for Dynamic Media Classic assets is similar to searching AEM assets except that when you search you are actually seeing a remote view of the assets in the Dynamic Media Classic system, rather than importing them directly into AEM.
You can use either the classic UI or the touch-optimized UI to both view and search for assets. Depending on the interface, how you search is slightly different.
When searching in either UI, you can filter by the following criteria (shown here in the touch-optimized UI):
Enter keywords - You can search assets by name. When searching the keywords you enter is what the file name starts with. For example, typing the word “swimming” would look for any asset file names that start with those letters in that order. Be sure to click enter after you type the term to find the asset.
Folder/path - The name of the folder that appears is based on the configuration you have selected. You can drill down to lower levels by clicking the folder icon and selecting a sub-folder, then clicking the checkmark to select it.
If you enter a keyword and select a folder, AEM searches that folder and any sub-folders. However, if you do not enter any keywords when searching, selecting the folder will only show the assets in that folder and will not include any subfolders.
By default, AEM searches the folder selected and all sub-folders.
Type of Asset Select Dynamic Media Classic to browse Dynamic Media Classic content. This option is only available if you have already configured Dynamic Media Classic.
Configuration If you have more than one Dynamic Media Classic configuration defined in Cloud Services, you can select it here. As a result the folder will change based on the configuration you have chosen.
Asset type Within the Dynamic Media Classic browser, you can filter results to include any of the following: images, templates, videos, and adaptive video sets. If you do not select any asset type, AEM by default searches all asset types.
- When searching video, you are searching a single rendition. Results return the original rendition (only *.mp4) and the encoded rendition.
- When searching an adaptive video set, you are searching the folder and all sub-folders but only if you have added a keyword to the search. If you have not added a keyword, AEM does not search the sub-folders.
Publish Status You can filter for assets based on publication status: Published or Unpublished. If you do not select any Publish status, AEM by default searches all publish statuses.
The Perfect Blend: A New Era of Collaboration with AEM and Workfront
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Wednesday, Apr 2, 5:00 PM UTC
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