Publish assets to Brand Portal publish-assets-to-brand-portal

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

As an Adobe Experience Manager Assets administrator, you can publish assets to the Experience Manager Assets Brand Portal instance (or schedule the publish workflow to a later date/time) for your organization. However, you must first configured Assets with Brand Portal. For details, see Configure Assets with Brand Portal.

After you publish an asset, it is available to users in Brand Portal.

If you make subsequent modifications to the original asset in Assets, the changes are not reflected in Brand Portal until you republish the asset. This feature ensures that work-in-progress changes are not available in Brand Portal. Only approved changes that are published by an administrator are available in Brand Portal.

After replication succeeds, you can publish assets, folders, and collections to Brand Portal. To publish assets to Brand Portal, follow these steps:

Adobe recommends staggered publishing, preferably during non-peak hours, so that the Experience Manager author does not occupy excess resources.
  1. From the Assets console, hover over the desired assets and select Publish option from the quick actions.

    Alternatively, select the assets you want to publish to Brand Portal.


  2. To publish the assets to Brand Portal, following two options are available:

Publish assets now publish-now

To publish the selected assets to Brand Portal, do either of the following:

  • From the toolbar, select Quick Publish. Then from the menu, select Publish to Brand Portal.

  • From the toolbar, select Manage Publication.

    1. Then from the Action select Publish to Brand Portal, and from Scheduling select Now. Tap/ click Next.

    2. Within Scope, confirm your selection and tap/ click Publish to Brand Portal.

A message appears stating that the assets have been queued up for publishing to Brand Portal. Log in to the Brand Portal interface to see the published assets.

Publish assets later publish-later

To schedule publishing the assets to Brand Portal to a later date or time:

  1. Once you have selected assets/ folders to publish, select Manage Publication from the tool bar at the top.

  2. On Manage Publication page, select Publish to Brand Portal from Action and select Later from Scheduling.


  3. Select an Activation date and specify time. Tap/ click Next.

  4. Select an Activation date and specify time. Tap/ click Next.

  5. Specify a Workflow title under Workflows. Tap/ click Publish Later.


Now, log in to Brand Portal to see whether the published assets are available on Brand Portal interface.

