Enable XMP writeback

To enable the metadata changes to be propagated to the renditions of the asset when uploading it, modify the Adobe CQ DAM Rendition Maker configuration in Configuration Manager.

  1. Open Configuration Manager from https://[aem_server]:[port]/system/console/configMgr.

  2. Open the Adobe CQ DAM Rendition Maker configuration.

  3. Select the Propagate XMP option, and then save the changes.


Enable XMP writeback for specific renditions

To let the XMP Writeback feature propagate metadata changes to select renditions, specify these renditions to the XMP Writeback Process workflow step of DAM Metadata WriteBack workflow. By default, this step is configured with the original rendition.

For the XMP Writeback feature to propagate metadata to the rendition thumbnails 140.100.png and 319.319.png, perform these steps.

  1. In Experience Manager, navigate to Tools > Workflow > Models.

  2. From the Models page, open the DAM Metadata Writeback workflow model.

  3. In the DAM Metadata Writeback properties page, open the XMP Writeback Process step.

  4. In the Step Properties dialog box, tap/click the Process tab.

  5. In the Arguments box, add rendition:cq5dam.thumbnail.140.100.png,rendition:cq5dam.thumbnail.319.319.png. Tap/click OK.


  6. To regenerate the pyramid TIFF renditions for Dynamic Media images with the new attributes, add the Dynamic Media Process Image Assets step to the DAM Metadata Writeback workflow.
    PTIFF renditions are only created and stored locally in a Dynamic Media Hybrid mode. Save the workflow.

The metadata changes are propagated to the renditions thumbnail.140.100.png and thumbnail.319.319.png of the asset, and not the others.

For XMP writeback issues in 64 bit Linux, see How to enable XMP write-back on 64-bit RedHat Linux.
For more information about supported platforms, see XMP metadata write-back prerequisites.

Filter XMP metadata

Experience Manager Assets supports both blocked list and allowed list filtering of properties/nodes for XMP metadata that is read from asset binaries and stored in JCR when assets are ingested.

Filtering using a blocked list lets you import all XMP metadata properties except the properties that are specified for exclusion. However, for asset types such as INDD files that have huge amounts of XMP metadata (for example 1000 nodes with 10,000 properties), the names of nodes to be filtered are not always known in advance. If filtering using a blocked list allows a large number of assets with numerous XMP metadata to be imported, the Experience Manager instance or cluster can encounter stability issues, for example clogged observation queues.

Filtering of XMP metadata via allowed list resolves this issue by letting you define the XMP properties to be imported. This way, any other or unknown XMP properties are ignored. For backward compatibility, you can add some of these properties to the filter that uses a blocked list.

Filtering works only for the properties derived from XMP sources in asset binaries. For the properties derived from non-XMP sources, such as EXIF and IPTC formats, the filtering does not work. For example, the date of asset creation is stored in property named CreateDate in EXIF TIFF. Experience Manager stores this value in the metadata field named exif:DateTimeOriginal. As the source is a non-XMP source, filtering does not work on this property.
  1. Open Configuration Manager from https://[aem_server]:[port]/system/console/configMgr.

  2. Open the Adobe CQ DAM XmpFilter configuration.

  3. To apply filtering via an allowed list, select Apply Allowlist to XMP Properties, and specify the properties to be imported in the Allowed XML Names for XMP filtering box.


  4. To filter out blocked XMP properties after applying filtering via allowed list, specify those in the Blocked XML Names for XMP filtering box. Save the changes.

    The Apply Blocklist to XMP Properties option is selected by default. In other words, filtering using a blocked list is enabled by default. To disable such filtering, deselect the Apply Blocklist to XMP Properties option.

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