Topology of the corporate network
The diagram displays higher uplink speeds within the corporate network than what is generally used. These pipes are shared resources. If the shared switch is expected to handle 50 clients, it can potentially be a chokepoint. In the initial diagram, only two computers share the particular connection.
Uplink to the internet from the corporate network and Experience Manager environment
It is important to consider unknown factors on the Internet and the VPC connection because the bandwidth across the internet can be impaired due to peak load or large-scale provider outages. In general, internet connectivity is reliable. However, it can sometimes introduce chokepoints.
At the uplink from a corporate network to the internet, there can be other services using the bandwidth. It is important to understand how much of the bandwidth can be dedicated or prioritized for Assets. For example, if a 1Gbps link is already at 80% utilization, you can only allocate a maximum of 20% of the bandwidth for Experience Manager assets.
Enterprise firewalls and proxies can also shape bandwidth in many different ways. This type of device can prioritize bandwidth using quality of service, bandwidth limitations per user, or bitrate limitations per host. These are important chokepoints to examine as they can significantly impact Assets user experience.
In this example, the enterprise has a 10Gbps uplink. It should be large enough for several clients. Moreover, the firewall imposes a host rate limit of 10 Mbps. This limitation can potentially throttle traffic to a single host to 10 Mbps, even though the uplink to the internet is at 10 Gbps.
This is the smallest client-oriented chokepoint. However, you can evaluate for a change or for an allowed list with the network operations group in charge of this firewall.
From the sample diagrams, you can conclude that six devices share a conceptual 10Mbps channel. Depending on the size of the assets leveraged, this may be inadequate to meet user expectations.
Topology of the Experience Manager environment
Designing the topology of the Experience Manager environment requires detailed knowledge of the system configuration and how the network is connected within the user environment.
The sample scenario includes a publish farm with five servers, an S3 binary store, and dynamic media configured.
The dispatcher shares it’s 100Mbps connection with two entities, the outside world and the Experience Manager instance. For simultaneous upload and download operations, you should divide this number by two. The attached external storage uses a separate connection.
The Experience Manager instance shares it’s 1Gbps connection with multiple services. From a network topology perspective, it is equivalent to sharing a single channel with different services.
Reviewing the network from the client device to the Experience Manager instance, the smallest chokepoint appears to be the 10Mbit enterprise firewall throttle. You can use these values in the sizing calculator in the Assets Sizing Guide to determine the user experience.
Defined workflows of the Experience Manager instance
When considering network performance, it may be important to consider the workflows and publishing that will occur in the system. Moreover, S3 or other network attached storage that you use and I/O requests consume network bandwidth. Therefore, even in a fully optimized network, performance may be limited by disk I/O.
To streamline processes around asset ingestion (especially when uploading a large number of assets), explore asset workflows and understand more about their configuration.
When evaluating the internal workflow topology, you should analyze the following:
- Procedures that write an asset
- Workflows/events that trigger when asset/metadata is modified
- Procedures that read an asset
Here are some items to consider:
- XMP metadata read/writeback
- Automatic activation and replication
- Watermarking
- Subasset ingestion/page extraction
- Overlapping workflows.
Here is a customer example for the definition of an asset workflow.