To generate reports, ensure that the following:
- Enable Day CQ DAM Event Recorder service from Tools > Operations > Web Console.
- Select the activities or events that you want reporting on. For example, to generate report on downloaded assets, select Asset downloaded (DOWNLOADED).
Generate reports
Experience Manager Assets generates the following standard reports for you:
- Upload
- Download
- Expiration
- Modification
- Publish
- Brand Portal publish
- Disk Usage
- Files
- Link Share
Adobe Experience Manager administrators can easily generate and customize these reports for your implementation. An administrator can follow these steps to generate a report:
In Experience Manager interface, click Tools > Assets > Reports.
On the Asset Reports page, click Create from the toolbar.
From the Create Report page page, choose the report you want to create and click Next.
By default, the Content Fragments and link shares are included in the asset Downloaded report. Select the appropriate option to create a report of link shares or to exclude Content Fragments from the download report.NOTE
The Download report displays details of only those assets which are selected individually and downloaded or downloaded using Quick Action. However, it does not include the details of the assets that were inside a downloaded folder. -
Configure report details such as title, description, thumbnail, and folder path in the CRX repository where the report is stored. By default, the folder path is
. You can specify a different path.Choose the date range for your report.
You can choose to generate the report now or at a future date and time.
If you choose to schedule the report later, ensure that you specify the date and time in the Date and Time fields. If you do not specify any value, the report engine treats it as a report that is to be generated instantly.Configuration fields may differ based on the type of report you create. For example, the Disk Usage report provides options to include asset renditions when calculating the disk space used by assets. You can choose to include or exclude assets in sub-folders for disk usage calculation.
The Disk Usage report does not include date range fields because it indicates current disk space usage only.When you create the Files report, you can include/exclude sub-folders. However, you cannot include asset renditions for this report.
The Link Share report displays URLs to assets that are shared with external users from within Assets. It includes email ids of the user who shared the assets, emails ids of users with which the assets are shared, share date, and expiration date for the link. The columns are not customizable.
The Link Share report, does not include options for sub-folders and renditions because it merely publishes the shared URLs that appear under
. -
Click Next from the toolbar.
In the Configure Columns page, some columns are selected to appear in the report by default. You can select more columns. Deselect a selected column to exclude it in the report.
To display a custom column name or property path, configure the properties for the asset binary under the
node in CRX. Alternatively, add it through property path picker. -
Click Create from the toolbar. A message notifies that report generation has been initiated.
On the Asset Reports page, the report generation status is based on the current state of the report job, for example Success, Failed, Queued, or Scheduled. The same status appears in the notifications inbox.To view the report page, click the report link. Alternatively, select the report, and click View from the toolbar.
Click Download from the toolbar to download the report in CSV format.
Add custom columns
You can add custom columns to the following reports to display more data for your custom requirements:
- Upload
- Download
- Expiration
- Modification
- Publish
- Brand Portal publish
- Files
To add custom columns to these reports, follow these steps:
In the Manager interface, click Tools > Assets > Reports.
On the Asset Reports page, click Create from the toolbar.
From the Create Report page, choose the report you want to create and click Next.
Configure report details such as title, description, thumbnail, folder path, and date range as applicable.
To display a custom column, specify the name of the column in under Custom Columns.
Add the property path under the
node in CRXDE using the property path picker. Alternatively, type the path in the property path field.Alternatively, type the path in the property path field.
To add more custom columns, click Add and repeat steps 5 and 6.
Click Create from the toolbar. A message notifies that report generation has been initiated.
Configure purging service
To remove reports that you no longer require, configure the DAM Report Purge service from the web console to purge existing reports based on their quantity and age.
- Access the web console (configuration manager) from
. - Open the DAM Report Purge Service configuration.
- Specify the frequency (time interval) for the purging service in the
field. You can also configure the age and the quantity threshold for reports. - Save the changes.