Use PDF Rasterizer
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When you upload large, content-intensive PDF or AI files to Adobe Experience Manager Assets, the default library may not generate an accurate output. Adobe’s PDF Rasterizer library can generate a more reliable and accurate output when compared to the output from a default library. Adobe recommends using the PDF Rasterizer library for the following scenarios:
Adobe recommends using the PDF Rasterizer library for the following:
- Heavy, content intensive AI files or PDF files.
- AI files and PDF files with thumbnails that are not generated by default.
- AI files with Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors.
Thumbnails and previews generated using PDF Rasterizer are better in quality compared to out-of-the-box output and, therefore, provide consistent viewing experience across devices. The Adobe PDF Rasterizer library does not support any color space conversion. It always outputs to RGB irrespective of the color space of the source file.
Install the PDF Rasterizer package on your Adobe Experience Manager deployment from Software Distribution.
The PDF Rasterizer library is available for Windows and Linux only. -
Access the Assets workflow console at
. Open DAM Update Asset workflow. -
To prevent the thumbnail and web rendition generation for PDF files and AI files using the default methods, follow these steps:
- Open the Thumbnail Process step, and add
in the Skip Mime Types field under the Thumbnails tab as necessary.
- In the Web Enabled Image tab, add
under Skip List depending upon your requirements.
- Open the Thumbnail Process step, and add
Open the Rasterize PDF/AI Image Preview Rendition step, and remove the MIME type for which you want to skip the default generation of preview image renditions. For example, remove the MIME type
, orapplication/illustrator
from the MIME Types list. -
Drag the PDF Rasterizer Handler step from the side panel to below the Process Thumbnails step.
Configure the following arguments for the PDF Rasterizer Handler step:
- MIME types:
- Commands:
PDFRasterizer -d -s 1280 -t PNG -i ${file}
- Add Thumbnail sizes: 319:319, 140:100, 48:48. Add custom thumbnail configuration, if necessary.
The command line arguments for the
command can include the following:-
: Flag to enable smooth rendering of text, vector artwork, and images. Creates better quality images. However, including this parameter causes the command to run slowly and increase the size of images. -
: Maximum image dimension (height or width). This is converted to DPI for each page. If pages are of different size, each page can potentially scale by different amount. The default is actual page size. -
: Output image type. Valid types are JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP. The default value is JPEG. -
: Path for input PDF. It is a mandatory parameter. -
: Help
- MIME types:
To delete intermediate renditions, select Delete Generated Rendition.
To let PDF Rasterizer generate web renditions, select Generate Web Rendition.
Specify the settings in the Web Enabled Image tab.
Save the workflow.
To enable PDF Rasterizer to process PDF pages with PDF libraries, open the DAM Process Subasset model from the Workflow console.
From the side panel, drag the PDF Rasterizer Handler step under the Create Web-Enabled Image Rendition step.
Configure the following arguments for the PDF Rasterizer Handler step:
- MIME types:
- Commands:
PDFRasterizer -d -s 1280 -t PNG -i ${file}
- Add thumbnail sizes:
. Add custom thumbnail configuration as required.
The command line arguments for the
command can include the following:-
: Flag to enable smooth rendering of text, vector artwork, and images. Creates better quality images. However, including this parameter causes the command to run slowly and increase the size of images. -
: Maximum image dimension (height or width). This is converted to DPI for each page. If pages are of different size, each page can potentially scale by different amount. The default is actual page size. -
: Output image type. Valid types are JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP. The default value is JPEG. -
: Path for input PDF. It is a mandatory parameter. -
: Help
- MIME types:
To delete intermediate renditions, select Delete Generated Rendition.
To let PDF Rasterizer generate web renditions, select Generate Web Rendition.
Specify the settings in the Web Enabled Image tab.
Save the workflow.
Upload a PDF file or an AI file to Experience Manager Assets. PDF Rasterizer generates the thumbnails and web renditions for the file.
Experience Manager
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- Applying Dynamic Media Image Presets
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- Dynamic Media Image Profiles
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- XMP metadata
- Assets network considerations
- AEM Assets vs. AEM MediaLibrary
- Using PDF rasterizer
- Configuring asset upload restrictions
- AEM and Creative Cloud integration best practices
- Configure Adobe Asset Link
- Integrating AEM Assets with InDesign server
- Metadata profiles
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- Using demo package for Assets Insights
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- Imaging Transcoding Library
- Support for IPTC Metadata
- Metadata Schemas
- Multi-tenancy for Collections, Snippets, and Snippet Templates
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- Bulk Metadata Import and Export
- Asset Templates
- AEM to Creative Cloud Folder Sharing Best Practices
- Folder Metadata Schema
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- Brand Portal
- Content Fragments
- Working with Content Fragments
- Managing Content Fragments
- Content Fragment Models
- Variations - Authoring Fragment Content
- Content Fragment Associated Content
- Metadata - Fragment Properties
- Content Fragments - Delete Considerations
- Content Fragments - Markdown
- Creating translation projects for Content Fragments
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- Asset selector
- Managing Collections
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- Enabling duplicate detection
- Enhanced sorting of assets in AEM
- Organize digital assets
- Managing video assets
- Creating Translation Projects
- Preparing Assets for Translation
- Download assets from AEM
- Asynchronous Operations
- Lightbox
- Enabling Assets Insights through DTM
- Configuring Assets Insights
- Applying translation cloud services to folders
- Using Page Tracker and Embed code in web pages
- Managing Compound Assets
- Related Assets
- Assets Insights
- Searching Video Assets
- Private folder sharing
- Smart Content Service Training Guidelines
- Video renditions
- Integration with other solutions