Administering Workflows
- Topics:
- Administering
- Admin
Workflows enable you to automate Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) activities. Workflows:
Consist of a series of steps that are executed in a specific order.
- Each step performs a distinct activity; such as waiting for user input, activating a page or sending an email message.
Can interact with assets in the repository, user accounts, and AEM services.
Can coordinate complicated activities that involve any aspect of AEM.
The business processes that your organization has established can be represented as workflows. For example, the process of publishing website content typically includes steps such as approval and sign-off by various stakeholders. These processes can be implemented as AEM workflows and applied to content pages and assets.
- Applying and participating in workflows: Working with Workflows.
- Creating workflow models and extending workflow functionality: Developing and Extending Workflows.
- Improving the performance of workflows that use significant server resources: Concurrent Workflow Processing.
Workflow Models and Instances
Workflow models in AEM are the representation and implementation of business processes:
- Typically they act on pages or assets to achieve a specific result.
- These pages and/or assets are called the workflow payload.
- Workflow models consist of a series of steps that perform a specific task.
- The payload is passed from step to step as the workflow progresses.
When a workflow model is started (executed), a workflow instance is created. A workflow model can be started multiple times, each time generating a distinct workflow instance. For each instance, the steps that the workflow model defines are executed.
Workflow instances progress through the following lifecycle:
The workflow model is started and a workflow instance is created and running.
- The payload of the workflow instance is identified when the model is started.
- The instance is effectively a copy of the model (as at the time of creation).
- AEM authors, administrators, or services can start workflow models.
The first step of the workflow model is executed.
The step is completed and the workflow engine uses the model to determine the next step to execute.
The subsequent steps in the workflow model are executed and completed.
When the final step is completed, the workflow instance is completed and therefore archived.
Many useful workflow models are provided with AEM. In addition, the developers in your organization can create custom workflow models, tailored to the specific needs of your business processes.
Workflow Steps
When workflow steps are executed, they are associated with a workflow instance. The history of a workflow instance includes information about each step that has executed for the instance. This information is useful for investigating problems that occur during execution.
Either a user or a service performs workflow steps, depending on the type of step:
- When a user performs a step, they are assigned a work item that is placed in their Inbox. The user is responsible for manually completing the step so that the workflow instance progresses.
- When a service performs a step, upon completion the workflow instance progresses automatically to the next step.
Workflow Status and Actions
A workflow can have one of the following status:
RUNNING: The workflow instance is running.
COMPLETED: The workflow instance has been successfully ended.
SUSPENDED: The workflow instance has been suspended.
ABORTED: The workflow instance has been terminated.
STALE: Progression of the workflow instance requires that a background job executes, however the job cannot be found in the system. This situation can occur when an error occurs when executing the workflow.
Depending on the current status, you can perform actions on running workflow instances when you need to intervene in the normal progression of a workflow instance:
- Suspend: Temporarily stops the execution of the workflow. Suspending is useful in exceptional cases when you do not want the workflow to proceed, for example for maintenance. Suspending changes the workflow state to Suspended.
- Resume: Restarts a suspended workflow at the same point of execution where it was suspended, using the same configuration.
- Terminate: Ends the workflow execution and changes the state to ABORTED. An aborted workflow instance cannot be restarted.
Experience Manager
- Administering User Guide overview
- Sites Features
- Website Administration
- Reusing Content: Multi Site Manager and Live Copy
- Live Copy Overview Console
- Configuring Live Copy Synchronization
- Creating and Synchronizing Live Copies
- MSM Rollout Conflicts
- MSM Best Practices
- Translating Content for Multilingual Sites
- Managing Translation Projects
- Identifying Content to Translate
- Preparing Content for Translation
- Creating a Language Root Using the Classic UI
- Connecting to Microsoft Translator
- Configuring the Translation Integration Framework
- Language Copy Wizard
- Translation Enhancements
- Translation Best Practices
- Configurations and the Configuration Browser
- Operations
- Dashboards
- Operations Dashboard
- Backup and Restore
- Data Store Garbage Collection
- Monitoring Server Resources Using the JMX Console
- Working with Logs
- Configure the Rich Text Editor
- Configure the Video component
- The Bulk Editor
- Configuring Email Notification
- Configuring RTE for Producing Accessible Sites
- The Link Checker
- Troubleshooting AEM
- Audit Log Maintenance in AEM 6
- Editor
- Managing Access to Workflows
- Using cURL with AEM
- Configuring Undo for Page Editing
- Proxy Server Tool (proxy.jar)
- Configuring for AEM Apps
- Administering Workflows
- Configuring Search Forms
- Tools Consoles
- Reporting
- Administering Workflow Instances
- Configuring Layout Container and Layout Mode
- Enabling Access to Classic UI
- Starting Workflows
- Configure the Rich Text Editor plug-ins
- Admin Consoles
- Security
- User Administration and Security
- User, Group and Access Rights Administration
- Security Checklist
- OWASP Top 10
- Running AEM in Production Ready Mode
- Identity Management
- Adobe IMS Authentication and Admin Console Support for AEM Managed Services
- Creating a Closed User Group
- Mitigating serialization issues in AEM
- User Synchronization
- Encapsulated Token Support
- Single Sign On
- How to Audit User Management Operations in AEM
- SSL By Default
- SAML 2.0 Authentication Handler
- Closed User Groups in AEM
- Granite Operations - User and Group Administration
- Enabling CRXDE Lite in AEM
- Configuring LDAP with AEM 6
- Configure the Admin Password on Installation
- Service Users in AEM
- Encryption Support for Configuration Properties
- Handling GDPR Requests for the AEM Foundation
- Content Disposition Filter
- Personalization
- eCommerce
- Integration
- Integrating with Third-Party Services
- Integrating with Salesforce
- Integrating with Adobe Target
- Integrating with Adobe Analytics
- Connecting to Adobe Analytics and Creating Frameworks
- Configuring Link Tracking for Adobe Analytics
- Mapping Component Data with Adobe Analytics Properties
- Configuring Video Tracking for Adobe Analytics
- HTTP2 Delivery of Content FAQ
- Troubleshooting your Adobe Campaign Integration
- SharePoint Connector Licenses, Copyright Notices, and Disclaimers
- SharePoint Connector
- DHTML Viewer End-of-Life FAQs
- Integrating with Adobe Campaign Classic
- Related Community Articles
- Integrating with Adobe Campaign Standard
- Flash Viewers End-of-Life Notice
- Integrating with Adobe Creative Cloud
- Integrating with Adobe Dynamic Tag Management
- Opting Into Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target
- AEM Portals and Portlets
- Integrating with Dynamic Media Classic
- Troubleshooting Integration Issues
- Integrating with BrightEdge Content Optimizer
- Best Practices for Email Templates
- Catalog Producer
- Integrating with Silverpop Engage
- Integrating with Adobe Campaign
- Integrating with ExactTarget
- Analytics with External Providers
- Integrating with the Adobe Marketing Cloud
- Manually Configuring the Integration with Adobe Target
- Prerequisites for Integrating with Adobe Target
- Adobe Classifications
- Solutions Integration
- Target Integration with Experience Fragments
- Best Practices
- Content Management