Integrating with Adobe Campaign Classic
- Topics:
- Administering
- Admin
Adobe Campaign lets you manage email delivery content and forms directly in Adobe Experience Manager.
To use both solutions together at the same time, you must first configure them to connect to one another. This involves configuration steps in both Adobe Campaign and Adobe Experience Manager. These steps are described in detail in this document.
Working with Adobe Campaign in AEM includes the ability to send email via Adobe Campaign and is described at Working with Adobe Campaign. It also includes using forms on AEM pages to manipulate data.
In addition, the following topics may be of interest when integrating AEM with Adobe Campaign:
If you are extending your integration with Adobe Campaign, you may want to see the following pages:
AEM and Adobe Campaign Integration Workflow
This section describes a typical workflow between AEM and Adobe Campaign when creating campaigns and delivering content.
The typical workflow involves the following and is described in detail:
- Start building your campaign (both in Adobe Campaign and AEM).
- Before you link the content and delivery, personalize your content in AEM and create a delivery in Adobe Campaign.
- Link content and delivery in Adobe Campaign.
Start building your campaign
You start building a campaign at any time. Before you link the content, AEM and AC are independent That means marketers can start creating their campaigns and targeting in Adobe Campaign, while content creators are working on the design in AEM.
Before linking content and delivery
Before you link the content and create a delivery mechanism, you need to do the following:
- Personalize using the personalization fields in the Text & Personalization component
In Adobe Campaign
- Create a delivery of type aemContent
Linking content and setting delivery
After you have prepared the content for linking and delivery, you determine exactly how and where to link content.
All these steps are completed in Adobe Campaign.
- Specify which AEM instance to use.
- Synchronize the content by clicking the Synchronize button.
- Open the content picker to pick your content.
If you are new to AEM
If you are new to AEM, you may find the following links helpful to understand AEM:
Configuring Adobe Campaign
Configuring Adobe Campaign involves the following:
- Installing the AEM integration package in Adobe Campaign.
- Configuring an external account.
- Verifying that the AEMResourceTypeFilter is configured correctly.
In addition, there are advanced configurations that you can make, including :
- Managing content blocks
- Managing personalization fields
Make sure you have the following elements beforehand:
- An AEM authoring instance
- An AEM publishing instance
- An Adobe Campaign Classic instance - including a client and a server
- Internet Explorer 11
Installing the AEM Integration Package
You must install the AEM Integration package in Adobe Campaign. To do this:
Go to the Adobe Campaign instance that you would like to link with AEM.
Select Tools > Advanced > Import package….
Click Install a standard package, then select the AEM Integration package.
Click Next, and then Start.
This package contains the aemserver operator that will be used to connect the AEM server to Adobe Campaign.
By default, no security zone is configured for this operator. To connect to Adobe Campaign via AEM, you must select one.In the serverConf.xml file, the allowUserPassword attribute of the selected security zone must be set to true to authorize AEM to connect Adobe Campaign via login/password.We strongly recommend creating a security zone dedicated to AEM to avoid any security problems. For more on this, refer to the Installation guide.
Configuring an AEM external account
You must configure an external account that allows you to connect Adobe Campaign to your AEM instance.
- When installing the AEM Integration package, an external AEM account is created. You can configure the connection to your AEM instance from it or create a new one.
- In AEM, be sure that you set the password for the campaign-remote user. You need to set this password to connect Adobe Campaign with AEM. Log in as administrator and in the user administration console, search for the campaign-remote user and click Set Password.
To configure an external AEM account:
Go to the Administration > Platform > External Accounts node.
Create a new external account and select the AEM type.
Enter the access parameters for your AEM authoring instance: the server address as well as the ID and password used to connect to this instance. The campaign-api user account password is the same as the campaign-remote user that you set a password for in AEM.
Make sure that the server address does not end in a trailing slash. For example, enterhttps://yourserver:4502
instead ofhttps://yourserver:4502/
Make sure that the Enabled checkbox is selected.
Verifying the AEMResourceTypeFilter option
The AEMResourceTypeFilter option is used to filter types of AEM resources that can be used in Adobe Campaign. This allows Adobe Campaign to retrieve AEM contents that are specifically designed to be used in Adobe Campaign only.
This option should come pre-configured; however, if you change this option, it may lead to a non-functioning integration.
To verify the AEMResourceTypeFilter option is configured:
Go to Platform >Options.
In the AEMResourceTypeFilter option, check that the paths are correct. This field must contain the value:
Or in some cases, the value is as follows:
Configuring Adobe Experience Manager
To configure AEM, you must do the following:
- Configure replication between instances.
- Connect AEM to Adobe Campaign via Cloud Services.
- Configure the externalizer.
Configuring replication between AEM instances
Content created from the AEM authoring instance is first sent to the publishing instance. You need to publish so that the images in the newsletter are available on the publish instance and to newsletter recipients. The replication agent must therefore be configured to replicate from the AEM authoring instance to the AEM publishing instance.
This step is also necessary to replicate certain authoring instance configurations into the publishing instance.
To configure replication between AEM instances:
From the authoring instance, select AEM logo> Tools icon > Deployment > Replication > Agents on author, then click Default Agent.
Avoid using localhost (that is a local copy of AEM) when configuring your integration with Adobe Campaign unless the publish and author instance are both on the same computer. -
Tap or click Edit then select the Transport tab.
Configure the URI by replacing localhost with the IP address or the address of the AEM publishing instance.
Connecting AEM to Adobe Campaign
Before you can use AEM and Adobe Campaign together, you must establish the link between both solutions so that they can communicate.
Connect to your AEM authoring instance.
Select AEM logo > Tools icon > Deployment > Cloud Services, then Configure now in the Adobe Campaign section.
Create a new configuration by entering a Title and click Create, or choose the existing configuration that you want to link with your Adobe Campaign instance.
Edit the configuration so that it matches the parameters of your Adobe Campaign instance.
- Username: aemserver, the Adobe Campaign AEM Integration package operator used to establish the link between the two solutions.
- Password: Adobe Campaign aemserver operator password. You may have to re-specify the password for this operator directly in Adobe Campaign.
- API End Point: Adobe Campaign instance URL.
Select Connect to Adobe Campaign and click OK.
After you create your email and publish it, you need to re-publish the configuration onto your publish instance.
- You may encounter a certificate problem when using a secure connection to an Adobe Campaign instance (https). You will have to add the Adobe Campaign instance certificate to the cacerts file of your AEM instance’s JDK.
- A security zone must be configured for the aemserver operator in Adobe Campaign. Furthermore, in the serverConf.xml file, the allowUserPassword attribute of the security zone must be set to true to authorize AEM connection to Adobe Campaign using the login/password mode.
Configuring the externalizer
You need to configure the externalizer in AEM on your author instance. The Externalizer is an OSGi service that lets you transform a resource path into an external and absolute URL. This service provides a central place to configure those external URLs and build them.
See Configure the externalizer for general instructions. For the Adobe Campaign integration, make sure you configure the publish server at https://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr/
not point to localhost:4503
but to a server that is reachable by the Adobe Campaign console.
If it points to localhost:4503
or another server that Adobe Campaign cannot reach, your images will not appear on the Adobe Campaign console.
Advanced Configurations
You can also perform some advanced configurations, namely:
- Manage personalization fields and blocks.
- Deactivate a personalization block.
- Manage target extension data.
Managing personalization fields and blocks
The fields and blocks available to add personalization to your email content in AEM are managed by Adobe Campaign.
A default list is provided but can be modified. You can also add or hide personalization fields and blocks.
Adding a personalization field
To add a new personalization field to those that are already available, you have to extend the Adobe Campaign nms:seedMember schema as follows:
Go to the Administration > Configuration > Data schemas node in the Adobe Campaign navigation.
Select New.
In the pop-up window, select Extend the data in the table using an extension schema and click Next.
Enter the different parameters of the extended schema:
- Schema: select the nms:seedMember schema. The other fields in the window are automatically completed.
- Namespace: personalize the namespace of the extended schema.
Edit the XML code of the schema to specify the field that you want to add there. For more information on extending schemas in Adobe Campaign, refer to the Configuration guide.
Save your schema then update the Adobe Campaign database structure via the Tools > Advanced > Update database structure menu in the console.
Disconnect then reconnect to the Adobe Campaign console to save your changes. The new field now appears in the list of personalization fields available in AEM.
To add a Registration Number field, you must have the following elements:
- The nms:recipient schema extension named cus:recipient contains:
<element desc="Recipient table (profiles)" img="nms:recipient.png" label="Recipients" labelSingular="Recipient" name="recipient">
<attribute dataPolicy="smartCase" desc="Recipient registration number"
label="Registration Number"
length="50" name="registrationNumber" type="string"/>
The nms:seedMember schema extension named cus:seedMember contains:
<element desc="Seed to insert in the export files" img="nms:unknownad.png" label="Seed addresses" labelSingular="Seed" name="seedMember">
<element name="custom_nms_recipient">
<attribute name="registrationNumber"
The Registration Number field is now part of the available personalization fields:
Hiding a personalization field
To hide a personalization field among those that are already available, you must extend the Adobe Campaign nms:seedMember schema as detailed in the Adding a personalization field section. Apply the following steps:
Copy the field that you want to take from the nms:seedMember schema in the extended schema (cus:seedMember for example).
Add the advanced=“true” XML attribute to the field. It no longer appears in the list of personalization fields available in AEM.
For example, to hide the Middle Name field, the cud:seedMember schema must contain the following element:
<element desc="Seed to insert in the export files" img="nms:unknownad.png" label="Seed addresses" labelSingular="Seed" name="seedMember"> <element name="custom_nms_recipient"> <attribute advanced="true" name="middleName"/> </element> </element>
Deactivating a personalization block
To deactivate a personalization block among those available:
Go to the Resources > Campaign Management > Personalization blocks node in the Adobe Campaign navigation.
Select the personalization block that you want to deactivate in AEM.
Clear the Visible in the customization menus checkbox and save your changes. The block no longer appears in the list of personalization blocks available in Adobe Campaign.
Managing target extension data
You can also insert target extension data for personalization. Target extension data (also called ‘Target Data’), comes from enriching or adding data in a query in a campaign workflow for example. For more information, refer to the Creating queries and Enriching data sections.
Experience Manager
- Administering User Guide overview
- Sites Features
- Website Administration
- Reusing Content: Multi Site Manager and Live Copy
- Live Copy Overview Console
- Configuring Live Copy Synchronization
- Creating and Synchronizing Live Copies
- MSM Rollout Conflicts
- MSM Best Practices
- Translating Content for Multilingual Sites
- Managing Translation Projects
- Identifying Content to Translate
- Preparing Content for Translation
- Creating a Language Root Using the Classic UI
- Connecting to Microsoft Translator
- Configuring the Translation Integration Framework
- Language Copy Wizard
- Translation Enhancements
- Translation Best Practices
- Configurations and the Configuration Browser
- Operations
- Dashboards
- Operations Dashboard
- Backup and Restore
- Data Store Garbage Collection
- Monitoring Server Resources Using the JMX Console
- Working with Logs
- Configure the Rich Text Editor
- Configure the Video component
- The Bulk Editor
- Configuring Email Notification
- Configuring RTE for Producing Accessible Sites
- The Link Checker
- Troubleshooting AEM
- Audit Log Maintenance in AEM 6
- Editor
- Managing Access to Workflows
- Using cURL with AEM
- Configuring Undo for Page Editing
- Proxy Server Tool (proxy.jar)
- Configuring for AEM Apps
- Administering Workflows
- Configuring Search Forms
- Tools Consoles
- Reporting
- Administering Workflow Instances
- Configuring Layout Container and Layout Mode
- Enabling Access to Classic UI
- Starting Workflows
- Configure the Rich Text Editor plug-ins
- Admin Consoles
- Security
- User Administration and Security
- User, Group and Access Rights Administration
- Security Checklist
- OWASP Top 10
- Running AEM in Production Ready Mode
- Identity Management
- Adobe IMS Authentication and Admin Console Support for AEM Managed Services
- Creating a Closed User Group
- Mitigating serialization issues in AEM
- User Synchronization
- Encapsulated Token Support
- Single Sign On
- How to Audit User Management Operations in AEM
- SSL By Default
- SAML 2.0 Authentication Handler
- Closed User Groups in AEM
- Granite Operations - User and Group Administration
- Enabling CRXDE Lite in AEM
- Configuring LDAP with AEM 6
- Configure the Admin Password on Installation
- Service Users in AEM
- Encryption Support for Configuration Properties
- Handling GDPR Requests for the AEM Foundation
- Content Disposition Filter
- Personalization
- eCommerce
- Integration
- Integrating with Third-Party Services
- Integrating with Salesforce
- Integrating with Adobe Target
- Integrating with Adobe Analytics
- Connecting to Adobe Analytics and Creating Frameworks
- Configuring Link Tracking for Adobe Analytics
- Mapping Component Data with Adobe Analytics Properties
- Configuring Video Tracking for Adobe Analytics
- HTTP2 Delivery of Content FAQ
- Troubleshooting your Adobe Campaign Integration
- SharePoint Connector Licenses, Copyright Notices, and Disclaimers
- SharePoint Connector
- DHTML Viewer End-of-Life FAQs
- Integrating with Adobe Campaign Classic
- Related Community Articles
- Integrating with Adobe Campaign Standard
- Flash Viewers End-of-Life Notice
- Integrating with Adobe Creative Cloud
- Integrating with Adobe Dynamic Tag Management
- Opting Into Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target
- AEM Portals and Portlets
- Integrating with Dynamic Media Classic
- Troubleshooting Integration Issues
- Integrating with BrightEdge Content Optimizer
- Best Practices for Email Templates
- Catalog Producer
- Integrating with Silverpop Engage
- Integrating with Adobe Campaign
- Integrating with ExactTarget
- Analytics with External Providers
- Integrating with the Adobe Marketing Cloud
- Manually Configuring the Integration with Adobe Target
- Prerequisites for Integrating with Adobe Target
- Adobe Classifications
- Solutions Integration
- Target Integration with Experience Fragments
- Best Practices
- Content Management