Resolving stuck database imports in Adobe Commerce Cloud

This article explains how to resolve issues where database imports in Adobe Commerce Cloud become stuck due to InnoDB Full-Text Search (FTS) limitations or other configuration constraints. Generate and then import a new database dump to bypass the FTS feature.

Description description


Adobe Commerce Cloud


During a database dump import into the environment, the process may appear stuck, leaving the environment unusable. A common cause is an error related to the InnoDB Full-Text Search (FTS) feature. This occurs when the full-text search index size exceeds the configured cache size (innodb_ft_cache_size).

An error similar to the following may appear:

InnoDB:Total InnoDB FTS size X for the table Y exceeds the innodb_ft_cache_size Z

Resolution resolution

To resolve this issue, generate a new database dump to bypass the FTS feature and then import the new dump.

  1. Disable full-text indexes during dump:

    • Drop the full-text indexes before creating the database dump and recreate them after the import.
    • ALTER TABLE table_name DROP INDEX index_name
  2. Use --skip-extended-insert option:

    • Generate the dump using the --skip-extended-insert option to create separate INSERT statements for each row, reducing memory usage during import.
    • mysqldump --skip-extended-insert -u username -p database_name > dumpfile.sql
  3. Use --single-transaction option:

    • Use the --single-transaction option to create a consistent snapshot of the database without locking tables. This is helpful for large databases.
    • mysqldump --single-transaction -u username -p database_name > dumpfile.sql
  4. Support request:

  5. Restart MySQL:

    • If restarting MySQL services does not resolve the issue, drop and recreate the database.
  6. Documentation

    • Import your functional database dump after the above steps. Follow the guide here: Import Your Database.

For more information, refer to the following articles in the Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Guide:
