Resolving AEM to Adobe Campaign Classic Synchronization Issues

Users face synchronization errors when transferring email content from Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC). These errors are often due to retained cq:acUUID and cq:acLinks properties on duplicated AEM templates, which interfere with the content syncing process.

Description description

Issue Summary

Users face synchronization errors when transferring email content from Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) to Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC). These errors are often due to retained cq:acUUID and cq:acLinks properties on duplicated AEM templates, which interfere with the content syncing process.


  • Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) 6.5 or later
  • Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC)

Root Cause

The primary cause is insufficient permissions for the campaign-property-modification-service service user, which is responsible for cleaning up properties during the duplication of AEM templates.

Resolution resolution

Resolution Steps

Verify Service User Configuration

Ensure the campaign-property-modification-service has the correct read and modify permissions on relevant content nodes.

Check the presence of the service user in the /useradmin and verify its permissions.

Ensure the campaign-remote user has the correct read permissions on relevant content nodes.

Configure Apache Sling Service User Mapper

Add the required service mapping for the service user:

Apache Sling Service User Mapper Service Amendment[ campaign-property-modification-service]

Check Sync Settings

Verify API endpoints and synchronization settings between AEM and ACC to ensure consistency across environments.

Enable Debug Logging

Activate debug-level logging for com.adobe.cq.mcm.campaign to capture detailed logs during the synchronization process.

Validate Indexing and Queries

Confirm that Oak Indexing is updated and validate SQL2 JCR queries to ensure they yield expected results.

Re-evaluate Permissions

Double-check permissions for the campaign-property-modification-service and campaign-remote to ensure all necessary access is provided.
