“Oops. Something went wrong. Check your URI and try again”

This article explains how to address the ‘OOPS.Something went wrong. Check your URI and try again’ error encountered when making API calls to Adobe Campaign Standard in a production environment. While he same API calls work in staging, they in production due to differences in endpoint configurations. This article provides detailed steps to identify and resolve the issue by correcting the DNS configuration and ensuring the proper endpoint usage.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Standard (Production)


When making an API call to retrieve profile information by email, you encounter the following error:

"code": 502,

"message": "Oops. Something went wrong. Check your URI and try again.

The same API call works successfully in a staging environment, but fails in production.

Resolution resolution

This issue stems from a configuration mismatch. The production environment uses a different endpoint format than the staging environment. Follow these steps to resolve the problem:

  • When making API calls via Postman to the endpoint: https://mc.adobe.io/<tenant ID>/campaign/profileAndServicesExt/profile/

You encounter the error:

"code": 502,    "message": "Oops. Something went wrong. Check your URI and try again."
  • Although the tenant ID appears correct, Adobe Campaign expects a different tenant ID for production API calls.

    • Working Endpoint: https://<tenant ID>-mkt-prod1-adobeio.campaign.adobe.com/
    • Failing Endpoint: https://<tenant ID>-adobeio.campaign.adobe.com/
  • The issue was resolved by updating the record.

    • Before Update: < tenant ID>-mkt-prod1-adobeio.campaign.adobe.com CNAME <tenant ID>-m-LoadBala-XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com  
    • After Update: <tenant ID>-adobeio.campaign.adobe.com CNAME <tenant ID>-m-LoadBala-XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com
  • Update your API call to use the following endpoint: https://mc.adobe.io/<tenant ID>/campaign/profileAndServices/profile/

This ensures API requests align with the correct tenant configuration, resolving the mismatch error.

If issues persist after updating the record, double-check configurations and ensure they align with those required for your specific Adobe Campaign Standard setup in production.
