Adobe Campaign Classic v7: Error loading private key file: permission denied

Learn how to solve the Error loading private key file: Permission denied error when trying to connect Adobe Campaign Classic v7 to Snowflake database via FDA. Check private key encryption has appropriate format, ODBC connections to Snowflake database are working, and ensure OpenSSL is installed on server.

Description description


  • Solution: Adobe Campaign Classic v7
  • Operating System: Windows (hosted in an on-premise AWS environment)
  • Database: Snowflake with keypair authentication using Federated Data Access (FDA)


When attempting to connect Adobe Campaign Classic v7 to an external Snowflake database via FDA using keypair authentication, the following error message is encountered: Error loading private key file: Permission denied.

Resolution resolution

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are on an earlier version of Snowflake ODBC driver such as 2.x.x or specifically tested versions like 2.25.xx. To check what version of the Snowflake ODBC driver you are on, refer to this Snowflake community post: How To Verify your Snowflake driver or connector version.
    Snowflake ODBC driver versions 3.0.1 and above may cause issues due to changes in supported encryption algorithms after updating OpenSSL from version 1.1.1 to 3.x.x. When OpenSSL version was updated from 1.1.1 to 3.0.9 in version 3.0.1, deprecated encryption algorithms from the previous OpenSSL library version were no longer supported. Refer to this Snowflake community post ODBC Driver Release Notes for more details.

    If you are on an appropriate version of Snowflake ODBC, try step 2.

    1. Generate new RSA keys. Example command for generating RSA keys:

      openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key.p8
      The keys should be generated using an OpenSSL version compatible with your current setup (e.g., OpenSSL 1.x). So, if the Snowflake ODBC version is 3.x.x, the OpenSSL version must also be 3.x.x; otherwise, key-pair authentication fails. If you use a version lower than 3.x.x, such as 2.x.x, then you should use older OpenSSL versions, such as 1.x.x, to generate the key-pair.

  2. Update your external account settings within Adobe Campaign Classic ensuring the Unicode data  checkbox is selected when configuring username/password combinations.

  3. Verify permissions for accessing and reading private key files on your server where Adobe Campaign runs. For steps, refer to Snowflake: Key-pair authentication and key-pair rotation.

If problems connecting Adobe Campaign Classic v7 and external Snowflake databases persist, consider escalating within your organization or contact Adobe support for additional troubleshooting specific to engineering aspects of FDA integration with Snowflake databases.
