Resolving UPAPI-113434-400 error when deleting audiences via AEP API

This article explains how to resolve the UPAPI-113434-400 error encountered when attempting to delete an audience via the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) API. While the API enables audience deletion, certain audiences cannot be removed through standard methods due to their origin or dependencies.

Description description


Adobe Experience Platform (AEP)


When attempting to delete an audience via the AEP API, the following error occurs:

"code": "UPAPI-113434-400",
"message": "There is a problem in function validation. This is an invalid update - Could not process Audience deletion validation request."

Despite having the necessary permissions, the deletion request fails. This issue might also be encountered when trying to delete the audience directly via the AEP UI. The root cause typically lies in the audience’s origin, which determines the proper method for deletion.

Resolution resolution

  • Always verify the origin of the segment in the AEP UI. You can find the origin on the segment browse page or within the segment details page. The segment could have different origins such as Data Distiller or Audience Composition.
  • If the origin is Data Distiller, audiences must be deleted from Data Distiller using the DROP command. You can find instructions for this in the official documentation: Data Distiller Audience Deletion Guide.

  • If the origin is Audience Composition, you may encounter dependencies linked to Audience Orchestration. These dependencies prevent direct deletion from the UI. You can use your browser’s developer tools to inspect and find additional details on these dependencies during the deletion attempt.