License transfer due to restructuring

This article will help you transition your Adobe Commerce account ownership with ease, including all the essential steps required to keep your services running without a hitch.

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Adobe Commerce (all deployment methods)


Due to an Adobe Commerce license restructuring, a new account owner is assigned to your project/instance. To ensure a smooth transition and avoid any issues with deploying or upgrading code and utilizing Commerce Services such as Product Recommendations, Live Search, Catalog Service, and others, you will need to perform several steps.

Resolution resolution

Note:  The steps mentioned below replace the standard account owner change procedure, as it specifically applies to cases involving Adobe Commerce license restructuring.

  1. You’ll need to review any extensions in the old account and repurchase them for the new account, as they can’t be transferred to the new account. For free extensions, simply reacquire them. Also, you can request a refund for previously purchased extensions by emailing the Commerce Marketplace team with your invoice or order IDs.

  2. You need to generate new access keys to download your Adobe Commerce code and your purchased extensions.

    • Visit Adobe Commerce Marketplace to generate new access keys.

    • Update the keys in the following places:

      • On-premises or Cloud: auth.jsonfile.
      • Cloud Only: Project-level variable env:COMPOSER_AUTH at Adobe Commerce console /< username> /< projectID> /-/settings/variables and environment-level variable env:COMPOSER_AUTH for each active branch.
  3. You also need to generate new Commerce Services API keys for features like Product Recommendations, Live Search, and Catalog Service on the new account.

  4. If you have an existing SaaS project, because it’s tied to the previous MAGE ID, you will need to create a new SaaS project after updating the keys. As the license would have been transferred to a new MAGE ID, any data collected in the existing SaaS environment using the previous set of keys will no longer be available, and the new SaaS environment will have to “learn” the data again.
