Troubleshooting HTTP 5XX errors in AEM as a Cloud Service

When working with Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service (AEMaaCS), you may encounter HTTP 5XX errors in the Publish tier, often displayed as a Service Unavailable message. This article explains the best strategies to troubleshoot such errors.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service (AEMaaCS)


HTTP 5XX errors are server-side errors, indicating that something went wrong on the server hosting the AEM Publish instance. These errors are typically rendered by the Fastly CDN, which sits in front of AEM Publish and the Apache Dispatcher.

When a request takes too long to process, the CDN eventually times out (typically after 60 to 90 seconds) and returns a Service Unavailable  message.

Resolution resolution

Follow these strategies to troubleshoot HTTP 5XX errors:

  • Check the AEM error logs for any indications of slow or failing processes.
  • Review and optimize the code to ensure efficient processing of requests.
  • Implement effective caching strategies to reduce the load on the server.
  • Raise a support ticket to review thread dump data from the CS Workspace.


These errors often result from long-running or slow processes on the AEM server side.

The root causes are almost universally tied to specific implementation details, such as inefficient code or sub-optimal configurations.

For more detailed troubleshooting steps, refer to Adobe’s documentation on:

Analyzing common critical AEM issues

How to isolate 503 errors

How to optimize AEM site caches
