mcSynch workflow fails with “duplicate key value violates unique constraint “xtkfolder_fullname”” error

This article discusses the Adobe Campaign Classic issue where the OOTB workflow mcSynch_mcExec fails with an error. Learn why that happens and how to fix it.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign Classic v7
  • Adobe Campaign Classic v8


OOTB workflow mcSynch_mcExec fails with the following error:

writerBlDlvNewFolder PGS-220000 PostgreSQL error: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “xtkfolder_fullname” DETAIL: Key (sfullname)=(/Message Center/Transactional message history/CustomerTemplateName

Steps to reproduce:

On an Adobe Campaign Marketing instance, the mcSynch_mcExec OOTB workflow is paused. On checking the Audit logs of the workflow, you’ll see the writerBlDlvNewFolder error.

Resolution resolution

To fix the error, follow these steps on the marketing instance:

  1. Identify the folder as the error indicates: /Message Center/Transactional message history/CustomerTemplateName.
  2. Rename the workflow manually. For example, from /Message Center/Transactional message history/CustomerTemplateName to /Message Center/Transactional message history/CustomerTemplateName2.
  3. Restart the mcSynch_mcExec workflow. The workflow should run without any error, and the folder should be recreated.


  • You may need to repeat the above steps several times for each execution instance if the transactional message template was published and executed on multiple RT instances.
  • Stop using the template that is causing the issue. You should recreate it from scratch, ensuring it has an internal name and a new Label.


This issue can occur when either the Transactional message template is corrupt (for example, it doesn’t have an internal name) or when a manual modification has been made to the folder that is failing (for example, Message Center/Transactional message history/CustomerTemplateName).
