SAML SSO flow saml_login POST request is throwing 204

This article provides a solution to the issue where the on-premises Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) or AMS AEM SAML SSO flow’s saml_login POST request throws a 204 error.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager 6.5


On-premises AEM or AMS AEM SAML SSO flow’s saml_login POST request throws a 204 error. There is no clue of hitting SAMLAuthentication handler, the CORS filter is returning 204 before even it hits Authentication handler.

Resolution resolution

When the <secured-path>/saml_login POST request is sent through browser, if there is an already CORS filter configured for something else in On-prem/AMS AEM environment, the CORS filter intercepts and throws back 204 before even reaching authentication handler or logging anything. You can resolve this by creating a CORS config on /system/console/configMgr as in the screenshot below.
