Dynamic media assets aren’t published with the correct “scene7FileStatus” metadata attribute

This article explains how to fix the dynamic media assets which are not published with the correct scene7FileStatus  metadata attribute by activating an additional metadata sync task.

Description description


  • Dynamic Media Classic
  • Adobe Experience Manager 6.5


Dynamic media assets aren’t published with the correct scene7FileStatus metadata attribute

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Upload an asset to a folder that is replicated to the DynamicMedia-scene7.
  2. Once this is uploaded the user can see the status shown as  dam PublishIncomplete.
  3. Publish the asset.

Current result:

  1. In the author the metadata shows dam PublishComplete, which is accurate and right.
  2. The asset in the publisher shows an incorrect status: dam PublishIncomplete

Expected result:
The asset in the publisher should be dam PublishComplete
This happens when AEM is not waiting for the Dynamic media status update before publishing the metadata. In the current state, the author is asked to publish the assets twice. This should be an OOTB feature where AEM should keep the status consistent, and the publication should be coordinated.

(Please note that this particular issue is happening in all the environments).

Resolution resolution

While observing the expected, the Dynamic Media (DM) publishing happens after the AEM publishes. When the AEM publishing takes place, the DM publishing has not run yet, hence the Scene7 file status does not reflect the final status.

To sort this out, please use these steps:

  1. Go to the /system/console/configMgr.
  2. Find this entry: com.day.cq.dam.scene7.impl.listener.Scene7ActivationJobConsumer.
  3. Mark the checkbox which says -  Replicate Metadata after DM publishing.

This will trigger an additional metadata sync task after the DM replication is complete and should sort out the issue.

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