Audit log doesn’t log any error when OOTB workflow fails

This article explains what to do when encountering an Out-of-the-box (OOTB) or custom workflow in Adobe Campaign Classic v7 in a failed state with no error(s) in the audit log.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic v7 (ACC v7)


Out of the Box (OOTB) or Custom workflow is in a failed state, but there is no error while checking the audit log.

Resolution resolution

Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  • Check the runwf log from the time the workflow ran and failed.

  • Most likely, an error occurs on the insert of the log.

    For example: duplicate key value violates unique constraint xtkworkflowlog_id

  • If this is on-premises, fix the sequence issue.

  • If the instance is hosted by Adobe, submit a ticket to customer care with the above details.


This is caused by the fact that when Adobe Campaign tries to insert the error log into the database, most likely a database error occurs.
