AEM 6.5 Service Pack failed to install

Learn how to install the AEM 6.5 Service Pack by navigating to the affected author/publish server instance on CRXDE (Content Repository Extreme Development Environment) Lite.

Description description


Experience Manager 6.5


When attempting to upgrade an AEM instance to a newer version, one of the instances (it could be the author or one of the publish instances) cannot be upgraded. During the upgrade process, the package manager gives the impression that the service pack is being installed. However, no messages are being written on the log file. Finally, the /system/console/productinfo screen still shows the older service pack version.

Resolution resolution

  1. Log in to the affected author/publish instance and navigate to CRXDE (Content Repository Extreme Development Environment) Lite. (under Tools > General)
  2. In crx/de, navigate to /libs/system/aem-service-pckg-6.5.15.  (The service pack, which will be currently shown as installed)
  3. Expand the SP15 folder, delete the Install  folder, and click on  Save All.
  4. Stop the affected author/publish instance.
  5. Navigate to the affected author/publish server instance /crx-quickstart/launchpad/installer location and delete all the files in the selected location.
  6. Start the affected author/publish instance.
  7. Once the instance is stable, upload the new service pack and install it.