AEP Data Collection | Error: “has maximum number of rule components” when adding a custom event to a rule

When adding events to a rule in an Experience Platform Data Collection property, if an error occurs stating: “has maximum number of rule components”, use custom code and a select case statement.

Description description


  • Adobe Experience Platform

  • Data Collection


Tags in Adobe Experience Platform follow a rule-based system.
Events (If): The event is what you want the rule to look for. This is defined by choosing an event, any applicable conditions, and any exceptions.

When trying to add a condition (event) to a property rule that already has a high number of those conditions returns an error upon saving the changes, as illustrated in the below screenshot:

Resolution resolution

Adobe Tags allows up to 100 events/conditions in a Data Collection rule.

It is generally agreed upon that having an excessive number of rule conditions is not common, and it is unlikely that the current limit will be increased. If there is a genuine requirement for this feature, we suggest using a custom code and a select case statement.

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