Timezone isn’t correct for Google BigQuery schema

In Adobe Campaign Classic v8.5, when reading data from the column of a Google BigQuery table defined as datetimetz at the schema level, if the displayed date and hour don’t include the operator’s timezone information, add the option useTimestampTZ and set it to 1.

Description description


Campaign Classic v8.5


When reading data from a Google BigQuery table defined as datetimetz at the schema level, the displayed date and hour don’t include the operator’s timezone information.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Define a new schema with Google BigQuery as the source of data.

  2. Define a new attribute with the type datetimetz.

  3. Read data from this schema in a workflow.

  4. Check the output of the date field previously defined; you can see that the timezone of the operator isn’t taken into account.

Resolution resolution

To resolve this, add the option useTimestampTZwith value as 1  under the  Google BigQuery external account that is being used when creating the schema.

Please note that the web server needs to be restarted for this change to take effect.


The useTimestampTZ option is missing in the external account definition.

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