The ffdaUnicity workflow fails with ODB-240000 error

The workflow ffdaUnicity fails with the following error:

ODB-240000 Error ODBC : SQL compilation error: Object ‘XXXXX’ does not exist or not authorized. SQLState: 42S02

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic v8


The audit logs show that the workflow ffdaUnicity fails with an error on the JavaScript activity – check for all custom schemas AND "nms:recipient".


ODB-240000 Error ODBC : SQL compilation error: Object ‘XXXXX’ does not exist or not authorized. SQLState: 42S02

Resolution resolution

Depending on whether you want the table to be created or not, you can apply either of these solutions:

  • Run the  Update Database Structure wizard to create the table.
  • Delete the schema if you don’t want to create the table.


The error occurs because a schema is created in ACC, but the Update Database Structure wizard hasn’t been run for it, so the table of the schema doesn’t exist in the database.

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