Managing mobile apps certification expiry notifications with OOTB workflow

Explore how Adobe Campaign Standard automates mobile app certificate alerts with its OOTB workflow. While in Adobe Campaign Classic, learn how involving Adobe Professional Services Consultants and a custom JS code can achieve a similar alert mechanism for Mobile App certification expiry checks.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC)
  • Adobe Campaign Classic Hosted (ACC Hosted)


Is there any OOTB Technical Workflow in Adobe Campaign Classic, in charge of sending alerts regarding Android and iOS Mobile App Certificate expiry details?

Resolution resolution

In Adobe Campaign Standard, there is an OOTB workflow that is triggering alert regarding the Mobile App certificate expiry check: Mobile App Alerting (mobileAppAlert)

In Adobe Campaign Classic, there is no OOTB workflow that is in charge with this Mobile App certification expiry check.

To resolve the issue, engage an Adobe Professional Services Consultant.

The consultant will implement a workflow using JS code to establish a similar alert for the Mobile App certification expiry check in Adobe Campaign Classic.
