AEP - TARGET audiences - Modified date changes for all Target audiences after a single activation in AEP

This article explains why you may be seeing that the modified date after activating a single segment to your Target destination in Adobe Experience Platform has changed for all the activated segments in that destination (within Target UI).

Description description


  • Adobe Experience Platform
  • Adobe Target


After activating a single segment to your Target destination in Adobe Experience Platform, you may be seeing that the modified date on these audiences has changed for all the activated segments in that destination (within Target UI).

Resolution resolution

The only common attribute to all audiences is the mappings you select when activating to Target (or any other destination). As a result, if you are selecting a new mapping during activation, all segments under that same destination will be modified.

The mapping being applied to the destination itself is affecting all audiences, and that is why you see the ‘modified date’ being updated for all.
