OOTB workflow scheduledEnhancedMTATypologyRule is throwing an error causing it to be paused

If the OOTB workflow scheduledEnhancedMTATypologyRule is throwing an error causing it to be paused, delete the extra linked records from a deleted typology.

Description description


Campaign Classic v8


The Out-of-the-box (OOTB) scheduledEnhancedMTATypologyRule workflow has an error - Not all typologies were updated successfully, which puts it in a paused state.

Steps to reproduce:

Go to the audit logs of the workflow scheduledEnhancedMTATypologyRule - an error Not all typologies were updated successfully is displayed in the logs.

Resolution resolution


Delete the extra records that are linked to a deleted typology.


The error occurs because the number of typologies in the nmsTypologyRuleRel table differs from the nmsTypologyRule table for the typology enhancedMTATypology.

This happens when deleting a typology, data is removed from the nmsTypologyRule table but not from the nmsTypologyRuleRel table.
