Error when selecting Adobe Target as Cloud solution for IMS configuration

This article addresses an issue where Adobe Target is selected as the Cloud solution for the IMS configuration in order to integrate AEM with Adobe Target. ACEs needs to be added to the user, post which the IMS configuration for Adobe Target could be successfully created.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) on-premises


Error while creating an Adobe Target IMS configuration in order to integrate AEM with Adobe Target.  Whenever Adobe Target  is selected as the Cloud solution for the IMS configuration, the error "Cannot retrieve certificates: The Provided userId does not identify an existing user" pops up, and the configuration cannot be created. This issue is only happening for the Adobe Target solution.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Select Tools > Security > IMS configs > Create.

  • Select Target  as the solution.

An error will pop up: "Cannot retrieve certificate. The provided userid does not identify an existing user."

In the logs the only error related to this issue is:

/libs/cq/adobeims-configuration/content/configurations/createimsconfig/contextCertificates HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.cq.adobeims.impl.servlets.GetCertificatesServlet Cannot retrieve certificates: The provided userId does not identify an existing user.}

Resolution resolution

After adding the ACEs to the user, the IMS configuration for Adobe Target could be successfully created.

Path: /home/users/system/target-imsconfig-service Permission: allow Privileges: jcr:read; rep:write


The error is caused by a lack of permissions for the target-imsconfig-service user. When checking the permissions for the users’ target-imsconfig-service and targetservice, it was noticed that target-imsconfig-service had no ACEs assigned.
