Content not unpublished from Preview after deletion on Author

If a page which has been previously published to preview is then deleted without deactivating it from preview first, it will not be deleted from preview. In order to avoid this situation, please make sure you unpublish the content from the publisher before deleting it from the author.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


If a page, which has been previously published to both preview and publisher, is deleted from Author without being deactivated from the preview first, it will only be deleted from the publisher and not from the preview.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a page in Author.
  2. Publish the page to both preview and publisher or only on preview.
  3. Then delete the page from the author without deactivating the page from preview first.
  4. Note that the page is still present in preview.

Resolution resolution

This is a known product limitation. If a page which has been previously published to preview is then deleted without deactivating it from preview first, it will not be deleted from preview.

In order to avoid this situation, please make sure you unpublish the content from the publisher before deleting it from the author.

This is traced under the internal Jira request - SITES-8226.
