Personalize the subject of delivery using conditional content

This article explains how to get an alternative text if the firstName of the recipient is not captured in the subject line of the Dynamic code in Adobe Campaign Classic.

Description description


  • Campaign
  • Campaign Classic


How to get an alternative text if the firstName of the recipient is not captured in the subject line of the Dynamic code?

For example:

Subject: <%= recipient.firstName %>, please check our offer.

In case theĀ firstName is filled, it will return: recipient.firstName, please check our offer.

In case theĀ firstName is empty (Not filled), it will return: Hey, please check our offer.

Resolution resolution

You can use the below conditional content in the subject of the delivery:

<% if ( recipient.firstName != '' ) { %> <%= recipient.firstName %>, please check our offer. <% } else { %> Hey, please check our offer. <% } %>

  • When the firstName is filled, it will return:

    recipient.firstName, please check our offer.


  • When the firstName is empty (Not filled), it will return:

    Hey, please check our offer.
