Pipeline deployment failure due to repoinit error

The buildImage step within the Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service Pipeline deployment often stumbles due to errors logged in buildImage.log, hindering the deployment process. This article delves into the common causes and provides a resolution.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager as Cloud Service


Pipeline deployment fails during the buildImage step, and the following error (or similar) is seen in the buildImage.log:


Apache Sling Repository Startup Thread #1]  com.adobe.granite.repository.impl.SlingRepositoryManager Exception in a SlingRepositoryInitializer, SlingRepository service registration abortedjavax.jcr.RepositoryException: Applying repoinit operation failed despite retry; set loglevel to DEBUG to see all exceptions. Last exception message was: Failed to set ACL (javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: Cannot set ACL on non-existent path <masked_path>) AclLine DENY {paths=[ <masked_path>] , privileges=[ jcr:all] }Caused by: org.apache.sling.jcr.repoinit.impl.RepoInitException: Failed to set ACL (javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: Cannot set ACL on non-existent path <masked_path>) AclLine DENY {paths=[ <masked_path>] , privileges=[ jcr:all] }Caused by: javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException: Cannot set ACL on non-existent path <masked_path>

Resolution resolution

To fix this error, create the <masked_path> in the repoinit script before assigning the ACL.

Use this reference document to learn more about theĀ new architecture for AEM as a Cloud Service.


The <masked_path> might not exist on the golden master (a specialized publish node) when the repoinit script is run.
