The “dam:relativePath” property isn’t updated automatically in AEM v6.5

The property dam:relativePath is no longer used in AEM 6.5.x as it was found that this property isn’t updated anymore while moving an asset since AEM 6.5 generally available. Due to this fact, all its details have been removed from the documentation.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager v6.5 (AEM v6.5)


The dam:relativePath property isn’t updated when assets are moved, to reflect the new path.

Resolution resolution

The property dam:relativePath is no longer used in AEM 6.5.x as it was found that this property isn’t updated anymore while moving an asset since AEM 6.5 generally available. Due to this fact, all its details have been removed from the documentation.

  1. This property was added in an earlier version of the product as an internal implementation whose intent was to preserve asset-copy-histories (establishing parentage)
  2. The ideas around leveraging this property didn’t see any evolution and stayed unmaintained, so it was removed to avoid any further corner cases where this property will become stale and cause full-text searches to be messed up.

So this property is no longer intended to be used in the AEM 6.5 or for custom codes.
