Campaign invalid password when testing iOS certificate

This article provides the steps resolve the Campaign Classic issue where creating the iOS mobile app and testing the iOS certificate throws an invalid password error.

Description description


Campaign Classic v7 and v8 releases.


When creating the iOS mobile app and testing the iOS certificate, the following errors are generated:

Cannot test the connection.\nError: Invalid password… INT-150012 The HTTP query returned a ‘’ type error (500) (iRc=-53)

Resolution resolution

Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. To get more information on the issue, enable the debug mode by updating the external account associated with the iOS routing and append ?debug=true to the iOS URL connection.

    For example: http://localhost:8080/nms/jsp/iosHTTP2.jsp?debug=true

  2. Sanitize the certificate. Extract client certificate into apns_dev_cert.pem from the generated certificates and do not include keys:

    openssl pkcs12 -in client_certificate.p12 -out apns_dev_cert.pem -clcerts -nokeys


    -clcerts: only output client certificates (not CA certificates)

    -nokeys: no private keys will be output

  3. Extract the key into apns_dev_key.pem from the generated certificates without decrypting it and without certificates:

    openssl pkcs12 -in client_certificate.p12 -out apns_dev_key.pem -nocerts -nodes


    -nocerts: no certificates at all will be output

    -nodes:do not encrypt the private keys at all

  4. Regenerate a p12 certificate file from both key and certificate. The sanitization allows to only keep what is necessary to connect:

    openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey apns_dev_key.pem -in apns_dev_cert.pem -out new_certificate.p12


The following error means that the certificate integrity is invalid and sanitizing steps are needed to fix the certificate integrity:

2023-04-13 03:50:13.857-05 001FF206 001FF22D 1 info log [ iOS Connector]  doTestConnection
2023-04-13 03:50:13.857-05 001FF206 001FF22D 1 info log [ iOS Connector]  clear cache
2023-04-13 03:50:13.858-05 001FF206 001FF22D 1 info log [ iOS Connector]  validateCertificates
2023-04-13 03:50:13.860-05 001FF206 001FF22D 1 info log [ iOS Connector]  p12 creation: IOException Integrity check failed: IterationCount must be a positive number