LiveRamp server-to-server destination

This article offers an overview of the LiveRamp destination setup in Adobe Audience Manager.

Description description


Adobe Audience Manager


This article offers an overview of the LiveRamp destination within Audience Manager.

Learning Objectives

  • ​​​​​​​LiveRamp destination setup process
  • Segment activation process

Resolution resolution

LiveRamp destination setup

If one has an already existing LiveRamp destination, please skip to the segment activation section.

The LiveRamp destination is a server-to-server integration, which means the configuration occurs in the back-end. For the first time destination setup, you will need the assistance of the Audience manager user care team. Please open a case via the Admin Console requesting the creation of a LiveRamp destination. Be sure to include these key details:

  • Destination name & description
  • LiveRamp user name (alphanumeric value provided by LR representative)
  • Segment mapping preference: manual vs auto-fill ID

The segment mapping option will affect the method of delivery to the LiveRamp platform. Please continue reading through the segment activation section for more details.

Segment activation process

Once the user care team creates the destination, specific audiences/segments can be activated to the LiveRamp destination directly from the UI. First, you must navigate to the destination, and select edit:

Now identify and add the segment(s) you want to map from this screen:

The mapping value dictates how LiveRamp will represent the audiences within their platform:

If a user chooses to configure the destination with auto-fill (which is the default option), then the segment IDs will automatically populate in the mapping field. This means all of the segments will be organized by ID within the LiveRamp platform.

If a user chooses to manually map segments, they can choose an own friendly name or IDs for the segments when setting the mapping value. The drawback of this is the requirement to manually input these values each and every time you map a segment. This is why the default & preferred method involves the automatic mapping of segment IDs. If you have any questions related to this process,  please open a case with Audience Manager user care so we can further assist.
