How to manually sort the Date Range Dimension order in Workspace report?

If the Date Range sorting icon is not helping to sort the Dimensions order in the Adobe Analytics, use the “Table Builder” feature. This article will help you fix this issue.

Description description




If someone wants to sort the Date Range Dimensions in the order of This Month next  Last Month   next 2 months ago next 3 months ago, but by clicking the sorting icon, it shows in different order.
How can someone manually sort the Dimension order?

Resolution resolution

You can manually order the Dimensions with the Table Builder feature.

  1. Open Freeform Table then click the Enable table builder  button 
  2. Drop Dimensions to the table in order you want and click the Build button
  3. Now the Dimensions are sorted in the order you set (This Month  next   Last Month   next  2 months ago   next  3 months ago)