Build 9356: External links still open in Internet Explorer post upgrade

Learn how to fix the Adobe Campaign Classic issue where external links are still directed to Internet Explorer rather than Microsoft Edge.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic


Affected products and versions: 9356 After upgrading to 9356, the external links are still directed to Internet Explorer rather than Microsoft Edge.

Earlier on 9352, version ACC was using both IE11 and Edge Chromium(WebView2). In the 9352 build, only some critical views like IMS login Window has been moved to Edge Chromium(EC) while the rest(like delivery preview, Home) continued to use IE11. Hence the expected result in 9352.

Resolution resolution

For Adobe-hosted users, in 9356, all the views have been moved to Edge Chromium (EC). But the view of the display mirror page, which is not loading in EC, is a known bug, and the respective engineering team is working on it. It will be fixed in further builds.

On-premises/hybrid users would need to enable the feature flag in their configuration.

  • In serverconf.xml they need to make webview2mode="1" which would be by default webview2mode="0"

After this change, the issue will be resolved, and the external links will open correctly on Microsoft Edge.


For on-premises instances, webview2mode flag was not set.
