Sitemap.xml not formatted correctly

Explore simple steps to fix Adobe AEM sitemap formatting issues.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service


When configuring the sitemap as per documentation with out-of-the-box settings, it is not formatted correctly (see attached image for reference).

Resolution resolution

When using local SDK:

  1. Go to config manager (https://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr) and search for Adobe AEM SEO - Page Tree Sitemap Generator  (com.adobe.aem.wcm.seo.impl.sitemap.PageTreeSitemapGeneratorImpl).

  2. Open the config and uncheck Add Language Alternates.

    Note - If enabled, a page’s language copies will be added as language alternates to the URL entry (enableLanguageAlternates).

  3. Save settings.

  4. Retry the use case.

When using a cloud environment (non-SDK), set the above OSGI settings on your Git repository and deploy via a pipeline.
