How to manually sort the Date Range Dimension order in Workspace report

This article addresses sorting issues with Date Range Dimensions in Adobe Analytics Customer Journey Analytics. The workaround involves using the Table Builder  feature to manually reorder the dimensions, allowing for custom sorting such as This Month  > Last Month  > 2 months ago  > 3 months ago.

Description description


  • Adobe Analytics
  • Customer Journey Analytics


You want to sort the Date Range Dimensions in the order of This Month  > Last Month  > 2 months ago  > 3 months ago.

However, on clicking the sorting icon, it shows in a different order.

How to manually sort the Dimension order?

Resolution resolution

You can manually order the Dimensions with  the Table Builder  feature.

  1. Open Freeform Table, then click Enable table builder.

  2. Drop Dimensions to the table in the order you want, and click Build.

Now the Dimensions are sorted in the order you set:  This Month  > Last Month  > 2 months ago  > 3 months ago
