Discrepancy between delivered and opened emails in Delivery Summary Report

This article addresses the issue where the customer delivery summary reports display fewer emails delivered than opened.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign (AC)
  • Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS)


In some scenarios, the customer delivery summary report may show that fewer emails have been delivered than opened. This can be confusing and cause concern for users. However, this issue can be easily explained.

Resolution resolution

  • You can check the number of emails marked as bounced in the delivery summary report to understand the extent of the issue.
  • You can also ask the user to consult with Field Services/Adobe PS consulting via their CSM if they need more custom reporting based on their requirements.

Note: Please note that we incorrectly flip the status of a message to Failed when an inbound email is processed for it (in this case a spam complaint). That message was delivered, so the status should be Sent and counted as a delivered email, but this does not happen. In this scenario, Adobe Campaign is incorrectly resetting the status to Failed. This is scheduled to be fixed in ACS.


Suppose a mail was sent, and the recipient opened the email, clicked on a link, and then marked it as SPAM. In such a scenario, the feedback loop will make the delivery count zero. This means that the number of delivered emails will be counted as zero (broad logs), whereas the number of unique clicks will be more than zero (tracking logs). As a result, the report will show fewer emails delivered than opened.
