Explanation: Negative Campaign metrics being sent in Adobe Analytics

Use recent and relevant reports for business management to address negative campaign metrics. If you need more custom reporting based on your requirements, consult with Field Services/Adobe PS consulting via your CSM.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC)
  • Adobe Campaign (AC)


Negative campaign metrics occur in the Campaign dashboard specifically related to the Delivery table (nms:delivery).

Resolution resolution


Negative values occur due to the formula used to calculate the deltaProcessed, which is [ indicators/@processed] -Coalesce([ lastDlvSnapshot/@processed] ,0).

The OOTB (out-of-the-box) technical workflow Sending campaign indicators and attributes  sends the current date value to Adobe Analytics, which should not be considered a delivery event date. The data is consolidated every 24 hours and is triggered at 4 AM. Once the data is sent to Adobe Analytics, the workflow makes a snapshot and stores it in the nms:lastDlvSnapshot schema. It’s important to note that the data being sent is the delta based on the last snapshot. The formula is the same for all indicators, which can be found inside webAnalytics.xml. The lastDlvSnapshot element comes from the schema nms:lastDlvSnapshot.

<element externalJoin="true" label="Last delivery indicators sent to Adobe/Genesis"

    name="lastDlvSnapshot" pkgStatus="never" revCardinality="single" revLink="delivery"

    target="nms:lastDlvSnapshot" type="link">

    <join xpath-dst="@delivery-id" xpath-src="@id"/>


For example, if twenty messages are delivered, and after being delivered eighteen of them were marked as SPAM, the total @success will come out to be -18. This happens due to a feedback loop.


To address negative campaign metrics in the dashboard, we recommend using other recent and relevant reports for business management. If you need more custom reporting based on your requirements, consult with Field Services/Adobe PS consulting via your CSM.

For more information, please refer to this Campaign Classic v7 Documentation:
