Adobe Journey Optimizer: placements in subject line do not load

This article addresses an issue where placements are not loading in the drop-down within Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO). To resolve this, create or use an existing TEXT placement for the subject line and/or create a text placement on the Journey Optimizer Guide.

Description description


Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO)


Placements are not loading in the drop-down within the Email Designer > Subject Line > Offer decisions. This occurs with any journey that contains an email action.

Resolution resolution

Create or use an existing TEXT placement for the subject line. This should look something like:

{{{offer.text.[ xcore< id> ] .[ xcore< id> ] .content}}}

To check the content type for the placement and/or create a text placement, refer to Create placements on the Journey Optimizer Guide.
You cannot put HTML in the subject line, only text. Only offers for content type TEXT are displayed.
