How to remove Audience Manager calls

This article provides steps to remove all server calls or data flows into Audience Manager.

Description description


Audience Manager


How to remove all server calls or data flows into Audience Manager?

Resolution resolution

You can remove Audience Manager completely by removing its association from these places:

  • Removing DIL code
  • Removing Server-Side Forwarding in Adobe Analytics Library
  • Unpublishing all Analytics Segments
  • Stopping Import/Export workflows in Adobe Campaign
  • Stopping Adobe Target calls
  • Stopping DCM log Ingestion, 3rd Party pixel calls
  • Stopping all your destinations sharing data with any 2nd or 3rd party
  • Stopping all offline data ingestions

Removing DIL code

  1. In your code, identify the following functions and remove them:

    1. DIL.create
    2. DILinstance.api.signals().submit()
    3. DIL.modules.siteCatalyst.init [ If you are forwarding data to Adobe Analytics]
    4. GA.submitUniversalAnalytics(); OR GA.submitUniversalAnalytics();  [ If you are forwarding data to Google Analytics]
  2. Once you have removed the above function, ensure that you have removed the DIL JS library from your code as well.

Outcome: Republish and reload your website, you should NOT see any call as

Removing Server-Side Forwarding

  1. Go into the Analytics report suites which are enabled for Server-Side Forwarding and disable the check box.


  1. Once the above step is done, go into your AppMeasurement.js code and remove the code you see below. If you have Launch, then simply deselect the Audience Manager forwarding checkbox.


Outcome: Analytics call response should be empty.

Unpublishing all Analytics Segments
Go into individual Analytics segments which are published and unpublish them.
Outcome: Offline segment share will stop from Analytics to Audience Manager.

Stopping Import/Export workflows in Adobe Campaign
From Audience Manager: Delete all your Campaign destinations
From Campaign: Either delete or stop completely, import/export workflows from Campaign UI.
Outcome: Segments to-n-fro from Audience to Campaign will be stopped.

Stopping Adobe Target calls
Get in touch with your Adobe Account Team, to have the “Shared Audiences” or “People Core Services” feature disabled by the Provisioning team.
Outcome: Target will not make additional calls to the Audience Manager.

Stopping DCM log Ingestion, 3rd Party pixel calls
If you have DCM log ingestion enabled, then please have it stopped and do not upload any additional metadata files.
If you have any impression/click/conversions pixel active anywhere, then please have them stopped too.
Outcome: No 3rd party data collection.

Stopping all your destinations sharing data with any 2nd or 3rd party
URL and Cookie destinations can be stopped directly from UI.
For S2S destinations, you can reach out to support to stop the destinations completely.
Outcome: No data will be shared out of the Audience Manager.

Stopping all offline data ingestions
If you are uploading any data files into Audience Manager, then please stop them right away.
Outcome: No offline data will be uploaded.
