Adobe Campaign certificates are missing from zip bundle

This article addresses the issue of expired or soon-to-expire SSL certificates that prevent uploading a valid certificate chain using Adobe Campaign’s Control Panel.

Description description


Adobe Campaign


Your SSL certificates have expired or are close to expiring for some domains. However, when you try to upload an SSL certificate for the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) generated through the Control Panel for your organization, there is the following error: One or more certificates (end-entity, intermediate or root) are missing from the zip bundle. Please obtain a valid certificate chain from CA and upload it again. There is no need to regenerate CSR.

Resolution resolution

Without the complete trusted certificates chain, you cannot renew SSL certificates. Ask the Certificate Authority (CA) to provide the zip bundle that contains all the certificates, and you will be able to upload the certificates using the Control Panel.  However, if this is urgent (time, deliveries, and campaign send-outs are being impacted) do the following to ​​​​​​retrieve the missing intermediate certificate from the main certificate:

  1. Go to the certificate’s properties and go to the path in the certificate, and select the signing cert.
  2. After that, you should be able to retrieve the intermediate certificate by using the Copy to File  option.
  3. Once the missing certificate has been downloaded, save the certificate in the existing bundle and then try to upload the SSL certificate through the Control Panel.

The SSL certificates should then have been installed for the domains. If the above steps have not worked, connect with the CA.
