How to setup AAM API access

Learn how to create a project in the developer console to generate Audience Manager API JWT credentials.

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Adobe Audience Manager


How to setup and generate credentials for the Audience Manager API?

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You’ll need system administrator permissions in the Admin Console in order to generate credentials for the Audience Manager API. Steps 1 & 2 outline how to grant these escalated permissions. Your current system administrators may prefer to follow these steps themselves rather than granting escalated admin permissions to an additional user, in which case skip directly to step 3.

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console , and select “Add Admins” from the “Quick Links” menu:
  2. Enter the emails for all users you would like to grant access. On the next page, select “System Administrator” for the permission level:
  3. Navigate to . If you don’t have access yet despite being granted system admin rights in the previous steps, try refreshing your cookies/cache.
  4. Create a new project from the quick start menu (or the projects menu in the top nav):
  5. Add the Audience Manager API to your project:

  6. Follow the steps to generate (or upload) your JWT credentials. If you choose to generate the credentials via the dev console, be sure to securely store the private key. You will need your private key in later steps.
  7. Next, you’ll be prompted to assign the credentials to relevant product profiles. If your organization utilizes role-based access controls, you’ll need to follow these steps to create a technical user account & add that account to the relevant RBAC group:
  8. Once these steps are complete, you can generate an access token to make your first API request. First, click into your credentials overview page in the dev console:
  9. Click the “Generate JWT” tab at the top of the page, and paste in the entire private key from the file downloaded in step 6, and click “Generate Token”:

Finally, you can make API requests utilizing the access token retrieved in the previous step. The calls can be made from any API platform, such as Postman, directly via cURL commands, or even from our API documentation page:

To make calls using the demo features in our documentation, follow the above steps to generate your token, and then click “Authorize” on the right side of the page and input your token:

Also make sure you select the server, as indicated in the screenshot above. Now, you can utilize the demo feature on any of the API requests by inputting the relevant parameters and clicking the ‘Try it out’ button:

Keep in mind, this will send a real API request to your instance. If you utilize a DELETE, PUT, or POST request, you may be making un-intended changes to your instance. Always be sure to carefully read the documentation for each of these API calls before sending the request.
