Brand Portal DynamicMedia preview broken

You would need to put in the Dynamic Media configuration in BrandPortal, the very same credentials/settings as the DynamicMedia cloud config in AEMaaCS.

Description description


  • Dynamic Media Classic
  • Experience Cloud Services
  • Experience Manager Assets
  • Experience Manager as a Cloud Service
  • Experience Manager 6.5


Dynamic Media Preview is broken in the Brand Portal.
The initial image preview at the assetdetails page in the Brand Portal isn’t visible. This issue occurs for assets which have been synced to DMS7 on Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and which were published to Brand Portal afterwards.

Resolution resolution

You would need to put in the Dynamic Media configuration in BrandPortal, the very same credentials/settings as the DynamicMedia cloud config in AEMaaCS.

This will then request dynamicmedia renditions from the secure test server of DynamicMedia.

In order to allow that, the egress IP address of the BrandPortal system of your region will need to be added to the IP filter in DynamicMedia Classic app - Setup - Application Setup - Publish Setup - Image Server - Publish Context: Test Image Serving - Client Address Filter.

The egress IP is documented here:
