AEM Screens - How to split content across different screens

Exploring the capabilities of Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service (AEM CS) Screens Player, we delve into the possibilities of content distribution across multiple screens. This inquiry examines the functionality beyond multi-zone content, focusing on the potential for a video wall configuration and synchronized content slicing across different displays.

Description description


  • Experience Manager as a Cloud Service
  • Experience Manager Screens


Is there any way to split the content on the Adobe Experience Manager as a Clous Service (AEMaaCS) Screens Player? This is different from multi-zone content. It’s a scenario, where there is a video wall having more than one screen.

Does AEM Screens Player have the option to merge the displays/screens so that the same content is sliced on both screens? i.e., half the image is on one screen and the other half on the other screen.

Is there any configuration available to support such a use case on the player?

Resolution resolution

There is no such configuration available on the player side.

This task should be managed by the operating system (OS), similar to how a virtual desktop extends across two monitors.
To spread the content across multiple screens, like using 4 FullHD panels in a 2x2 config to show an 8K image, you’d require to configure the operating system to use extended desktop (if supported). After that, when you start the player in Fullscreen, it would actually span across the 8K pixels, instead of maximizing to a single panel and be FullHD. The player content should then scale accordingly.
