Unwanted automatic redirection to HTTPS
This article addresses an issue where users were redirected to the https version of the link automatically by the browser when using links (mirror pages, landing pages) that appear in http linked to a particular subdomain. This is due to a parameter called “HSTS Preloading”, set at the subdomain creation, and inherently linked to the parent domain.
- Campaign Classic
- Campaign Classic v7
- Campaign v8
When using links (mirror pages, landing pages) that appear in http linked to a particular subdomain, you are redirected towards the https version of the link by the browser.
It happens due to a parameter called HSTS Preloading, set at the subdomain creation, and inherently linked to the parent domain. This is hard to remove, and we cannot do it either, because we do not own the domain.
It happens due to a parameter called HSTS Preloading, set at the subdomain creation, and inherently linked to the parent domain. This is hard to remove, and unfortunately we also aren’t able to perform this function as we do not own the domain.