Error “The requested database record does not exist”

Learn how granting folder rights to the user can resolve issues sometimes experienced when trying to start a workflow.

Description description


  • Campaign Classic
  • Campaign Classic v7


Occasionally, when trying to start a workflow the following error messages appear:

  • “SQL Statement …”
  • “The requested database record does not exist.”
  • "Cannot load document of type (instance_table) satisfying condition (condition) "

This error sometimes shows even if the record in the database exists.

It impacts only few users, and the admins are able to run the workflow without error.

Resolution resolution

This could be an issue related to rights. The folder in which the workflow is created is unavailable to the operator. The workflow is visible in the current folder but belongs to the Administration > Production > Objects Created automatically > Campaign Workflows folder, to which the user does not have the rights.

Granting the folder rights to the user will correct the issue.
